Did you ever want to play questions?

Starting from where? Doesn’t it not matter much, since I have some promised for tomorrow and I will be in Amsterdam on Friday anyway?


Any bets on how long the Sark*****n thread is and how many new members there are by 14:50 UTC?


Oy. Are we in for another round of astroturfing?


I felt my popcorn post was all that needs to be said don’t you?


Wasn’t I asking though? In a different thread?

ETA: Have I been hanging out in here too much today or does anyone else get the impression Falcor has a week ahead of him?

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It is an article about women with a woman voicing opinions on the internet isn’t it?


Did I hit my daily limit on likes for the first time since I joined? (Do I still wonder how @anon61221983 does it so regularly?) Is this the sign that it’s time for a snack*, a beer and maybe some non-Internet time?

*Will that snack include mustard or hot sauce?


Didn’t I feel the need to add jon snow slurping? But wasn’t the Jesus eating pop corn delightful? Doesn’t the good lord love watching assholes have an internet tantrum just like the rest of us?


What the fuck are you smoking? And can I never have some?


Come over and have some, will ya?

(Fortunately, didn’t the 3 week dry spell end recently? Unlike poor @RatMan?)


Isn’t he perfect when you want someone to play an utterly punchable asshat?

(isn’t that why he made such a good Beeblebrox, and why I hated Matchstick Men?)


Sir, has anyone ever talked to you about the dangers of looking up into the night sky?

Frightful mess, don’t you think?

Will one day of rain have any discernable effect beyond increasing the pressure on our over-burdened storm drains and sewers?

Won’t it be interesting to watch the results?

But why do all the colours seem brighter and more vivid?
Brillianter and vibranter?
Seriously, do you see?

Is there an equivalent word to “petrichor”?

Throwing rocks again?

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Does it count if I’m throwing rocks at myself?

Better than at @othermichael’s Prius?

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Is it possible for new people to join this game?

Can we self publish into a book, and if so, what would be the name?