Originally published at: Dig these freaky experimental dancers and robots modulating to Moog music in 1971 | Boing Boing
Nitpicking, but what robots? All I saw were human-operated camera dollies.
The “ATV” logo and fanfare really took me right back to my youth.
I’m pretty certain that the “industrial robots” are regular TV cameras of the period, on dollies.
What struck me as really weird is that some of the footage appeared to come from “Old Time Music Hall.”
Edit @lastchance
Nine seconds of pure nostalgia here, too. [Shudders]
I almost expected the Doctor and Jo Grant to come running through.
Peter Max set?
Daft Punk needs to sue these people, like, immediately.
I imagine this is what Pilobolus was like before they knew what they were doing.
Does anyone know the choreographer? It looks like Merce Cunningham maybe?
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