Dildo throwing rebels hold Paiute artifacts hostage, refer to native peoples as "savages"

Ah $1 $2 $3

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Can’t we all just agree that discussions of the philosophical dimensions human exceptionalism here must be communicated via bird song, squirrel-tail flashing/swishing language, or bacterial chemical quora to avoid speciesism or discrimination against other species? This seems a fair compromise.


does this count? It’s techinically anime. :wink:


I could uh… use some help in regards to a problem I’ve been puzzling over. Any ya’ll got any ideas?


If anybody is interested enough to check out some local news coverage, here are a few good Twitter accounts: @JohnLGC, @amandapeacher, @LesZaitz. @jjmacnab isn’t local, but she’s doing some good coverage as well.


NPR just reported that Bundy did weird shit again. Drove to an FBI office where they would not see him?

Whomever is managing this from the Fed side. I think you should just arrest them and stop trying to embarrass them like this, it’s unprofessional and will only hurt the federal case.

It is also great theater at this point, so part of me is darned impressed and hopes it goes on all year with zero injuries. But really, storm the fucking castle already.

Several other militants, including Ryan Payne and Brian Cavalier (who
goes by the pseudonym “Fluffy Unicorn”), accompanied Bundy to the
FBI base.

Fluffy Unicorn? I hate it when a brother turns bad.

“The only ones that are going to make this a non-peaceful event will be
you guys — the FBI or other law enforcement,” Bundy told the negotiator
by phone.

History cannot forget these jokers soon enough.


We want to reduce the amount of collateral damage. Does the US military still have any old Davy Crocketts that still work?

“We had to destroy the wildlife refuge in order to save it. And all of the native artifacts. That are no longer in the hands of the terrorist occupiers! Because they have been vaporized.”


Yeah, no.


I don’t know… I am kind of appreciating the “ignore them” approach.
Its obviously driving them bonkers enough to go to the FBI and try and get attention!
Its like baby sitting a toddler really. :slight_smile:


I should have used sarcasm tags, shouldn’t I?


This is also why we cannot send in armored vehicles. The Environmental Impact Statement alone would knock down a forest, nevermind the artifacts unter tread!

Mock them out might work.

I also support sending in octagenarian grandmothers, ideally birdwatchers, by the busload to hector and cluck at them daily.


They need to be blockaded properly. No more mail. No more in/out privileges.


So, it sounds like you’re saying the FBI needs to get tough and provide a fluffy unicorn chaser?



We only need one octogenarian granny to sort this lot out



I’ll be good.

If he will talk more about microbiology, having to ignore your philosopher is a cheap price for me!

Weight isn’t the right word. Or maybe it is. Suggest something else. Savage has many other users besides one as racial slur. One might describe their football team taking a savage beating at the hands of their others team. I guess one could say in some circles the n-word had others uses/meanings. But the shear fact I am comfortable saying the word “savages” in public but wouldn’t say the n-word in public - hell I am not even TYPING it to avoid that whole kettle of fish - shows that one word has much, much more power.

If one can’t admit there are differences between the two, I don’t know what to tell you.

Is that supposed to be Jackie Chan?

Enh, Hume lacked imagination. At one time you could probably have found a philosopher who would have told you that you couldn’t empirically measure heat. When I finish my ethicometer Hume will be eating his words (okay, that will also require the word-substantiator and the resurrectotron).