Dinner, with a side of misogyny

My wife is a great but reluctant cook. I am an enthusiastic, but barely proficient one. I do the cooking most of the time for us.

After a long day of sitting with office work, I look forward to doing something with my hands. My wife shows me recipes and will prep complicated stuff. I do the rest. It works pretty well.

I am pretty good at 30-40 minute meals or side dishes that will go all week. The deciding factor on a meal “what is going to spoil first”


Sounds like some sex maneuver I’m too naive to know about.


It turns out the hokey-pokey is what it’s all about!


Hokey Pokey GIF by hero0fwar

Did anyone else go to a skating rink as a kid where they’d do that?


Roller skating occasionally in the 70s and 80s but definitely every wedding I’ve ever been to including our daughter’s 6 years ago along with the chicken dance.


As a kid, the local rink was my mom’s solution to after-school child care. Hokey pokey played a big role. It’s totally how I learned my left from my right! I knew to either stand right next to the leader and mimic them, or stand directly across and mirror them :joy:
And is there anything better than doing the limbo on roller skates? I loved that so much.


My favorite kind of misogyny is the kind where a person extrapolates the experiences of half the given population of the world at any time from their based opinions of their family members!

I like to flip that and reverse it because literally no one would let me get away with thinking like that for two seconds because of the nature of my life and also because they instinctively recognize that men are humans with individual lives and that their relationships with men close to them are complicated and biased by our lived experiences with those people, and that those opinions shouldn’t be extrapolated onto men one doesn’t know because that would be… prejudiced.

YAY! I was afraid I’d forget about misogyny there for a minute.

You know what!? I think being held accountable for the way countless other women are treated based on how much a male relative likes me and respects the way I think would give me… anxiety though… due to… mental load…

OH NOOOOOOOOO it’s inescapable isn’t it?


Fun Love GIF by Rachael Ray Show

Are you saying that are being prejudiced against wome! NO!

miss jay gif GIF

Season 2 Pop GIF by Schitt's Creek


Hey, I also know two women who are anxious about things I don’t think they should be for reasons that I probably don’t understand though! So… ergo… all women are probably just anxious about things they shouldn’t be if they complain about being overburdened by responsibilities.

That’s not prejudice, that’s just common sense! /s


Tired Good Night GIF



The list immediately had me thinking of dozens more.

I only recently became aware of the “females,” thing. I think it just hadn’t registered before. Then I remembered a guy that I worked on the college farm with calling the sows “women pigs.” Yep. Offensive AF.



maya erskine wtf GIF by HULU


You’got the right dynamic for the new frontier.


Plenty of high schools in the US would have their sports teams known as the mascots and the girls sports teams were called the lady mascots. So not tigers and tigresses, but lady tigers.

That’s not an excuse.


That should be stopped. It should be tigers all around. No lady tigers, or tigresses. Or knights and lady knights (yes, this exists). Girls teams work every bit as hard and are every bit as competitive as the boys. When distinction is needed, as in local news reports or whatever, use “men’s” and “women’s” or “boys” and “girls” for the younger set. And use those all the time. Boys teams shouldn’t be the default


Exactly. I certainly wasn’t excusing the practice by pointing out its existence-and I suspect it’s largely changed by now.

I’ve never really understood either side of this. Maybe it’s because I was an only child and my mom pretty much stated she wasn’t going to fix dinner just for the two of us on a week night (dad worked 2nd shift). On the weekends we’d have family meals, which was fine with me. I was cooking myself meals by the time I was 10. As an adult I simply can’t wrap my head around the thought process of people doing for me. It’s one thing when you view it as a “family” or household unit and work is broken up for efficiency, sure that makes sense. But what happens when that family or household only involves you?

My parents are a decent example of this I guess. Once I came into the picture my mom stopped working full time and worked every other weekend. She kept the house in order through the week and made meals when we were all around. But she always had a chip on her shoulder about it, she resented my dad for having money. Even though she had checks and a credit card all to their account, it was “his” money. Now fast forward to today where she has limited mobility and really isn’t physically able to take care of herself. He does all the house work, cooks, and takes care of her. I can kind of understand the money aspect of things in their marriage, but frankly if my wife told me I could hang out at home and she’d take care of everything I’d be all over it. Keeping house, cooking, and taking care of the kids beats the shit stress of a job any day.

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So “men acquitainces” and “women doctors”?

And yet, making yourself completely financially dependent on someone else comes with its own set of stresses for many of us. :woman_shrugging:t2: