Originally published at: Director Mark Mylod explains how one of the series' most talked-about moments | Boing Boing
The series!? I love the series! I talk about moments of the series all the time.
However, even though the show’s writing is masterful, it seems like people don’t give enough credit to Succession 's directorial team.
Episodic TV is a writer’s medium, but everyone on Succession --the directors, the actors, the set designers, the costumers, and I’m sure the gaffers and best boys – brings their A-game to ensuring that the portrait of these awful, entitled and broken people and the way they live their lives are as accurate and authentic as possible. Good satire is very difficult to pull off, but they’ve managed to do it.
Director Mark Mylod explains how one of the series’ most talked-about moments
Way to write an utterly cryptic and uparseable headline.
…how one of the series’ most talked-about moments… WHAT? … WHAT???
And what effing series is this headline about? An infinite series? A geometric series? The World Series?
There’s an infinite number of series, some with an infinite number of moments. A subset of these moments are most-talked about.
Some observers have speculated that many series are created by an infinite number of monkeys at keyboards. It is uncertain what will happen to such series if the monkeys go on strike.
But “how”? Nobody has explained how!
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