Disney cancels $1 billion Florida development plan amid feud with DeSantis

Maybe. If it’s any company it’s probably a Disney or something that big that could do it, but most businesses have an incredibly hard time operating outside of about a four year window, often less. Inability to really plan long range is a big part of why corporations have been such a disaster when trying to deal with climate change.

Didn’t some southern states (including Florida) try to forbid municipalities from using terms like climate change in official documents?


yup. when Skeletor (rick scott) was governor, yes he absolutely did do that. forbade the term in government docs.


It didn’t work in 2022. He got re-elected in a landslide. Clearly Floridians aren’t going to “get smart” any time soon.

And it wouldn’t require a passport for Americans to visit unlike if they moved to another country. On the other hand, this is Disney. For anything “good” they do, it’s often on the backs of the most vulnerable. PR citizens would likely be heavily exploited by this theoretical move.


Florida is definitely going to get hit hard by climate change and rising seas, but at about 80’ elevation I don’t think that the Orlando area is necessarily going to be in more danger than the parks in Asia. The Pudong area around Shanghai Disneyland is about 20’ elevation, and the Tokyo parks are built on reclaimed land in a bay.

Here’s what’s left of Florida after about a 6 meter sea level rise:


Also because they are run by sociopaths who don’t give a fuck about climate change because they are wealthy and thus insulated from most of the effects.


yikes. at that point the only thing left is disney. :confused:


Totally, but the dedication to short term shareholder value is only going to reinforce the sociopathy.


Wait… no one has posted Beau’s video about this and the economic impact it will have?



Worse, only Disney and Northern Florida. While south and southwest Florida are filled with “yankee carpet-baggers”, much of northern Florida is still a part of the Confederacy.

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