Disneyland announces a date for removal of sex-slave trafficking scene from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride

I imagine Disney would prefer not to have a big empty room/blank space in the middle of their themed ride.


Seriously, why and who cares? Again, all I see here is the similarity to white people saying, “I have a guy coming to take out my black-faced lawn jockey and remodel the yard… next month.”
“Won’t you throw a blanket over it or at least paint its face so it isn’t black, in the meantime?”
“What, and RUIN the theme I have going in my beautiful yard???”

It is the same thinking… Can’t understand why so many people can’t see this. It’s offensive. It’s shitty. Cover it over or take it out immediately. Then you can have all the time you need to fix the decor.

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Stephen Malkmus - The Hook
A tale of modern piracy

They are. It’s being replaced in a few weeks. This is the most popular ride in the park and things like this run on schedules.

This scene has been there for 40 years. It didn’t suddenly become unacceptable last night; they aren’t going to literally throw a blanket over it and say “We would like to announce that this scene is awful and can no longer be seen by human eyes!” That would be even worse.

They’re closing the ride (and the ones in all other Disney parks), overhauling it, and replacing the scene with something better.

I know you’re really angry about this ride that you’ve likely never actually gone on, but people are trying to explain to you why this isn’t an overnight fix.


Tarps are shitty and offensive too.

Hehe, bingo.

I am not angry. I have been on this ride many, many times. And I am trying to explain to you why it IS an overnight response, which can then be followed up with a weeks- or month-long renovation, as they see fit.

and yet you had no problem with a depiction of “sex slavery”…

I did. And do. Always thought that particular scene was an oddity and out of place.

Look, this whole thing is white male privilege in action. If a minority, gay, or a woman does something: TAKE THAT DOWN IMMEDIATELY!


Or performs a silent protest on one knee…



Or walks out of classes, to peacefully demonstrate against letting their peers be gunned down in their classrooms:


If a white person, esp a white male, or more generally if a theme park started by white folk, mainly catering to white folk, does something offensive… it persists for decades… “Oh, we will take it down when we damn well please.” The rest of the white nation goes, “PASS. Surely, they didn’t really mean it. Oh that will take months for a proper renovation. (tut tut)”

Hey, just calling it like I see it. Disney gets a pass because It’s a Small World is such a complex attraction, wouldn’t want to hurt the bottom line, oh, so many moving parts and concerns… It’s just one little cartoon rape scene, who could that possibly hurt? Oh, your feelings are hurt? That’s too bad, grow a pair, this is the real world and we will depict rape any way we damn well please!

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Did you talk about Somali pirates?

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There were women pirates, though they were a minority & during the Golden Age of piracy they had to pretend to be men.


No, because nobody dresses their kids in cute Somalia pirate outfits for Halloween!

But it’s perfectly acceptable for people to dumb all sorts of shit in Somali waters and to illegally fish in their waters.


Right now oppressor > oppressed, but like in the Black Panther movie, one of these days the oppressed are going to get some way to fight back and kick all the asses of the jerks making life suck for billions of people.


Didn’t Michael Jackson have an actual Disney-installed replica of the original POTC ride on his Neverland Ranch? I bet you could open that up as a stand-alone ride and attract a lot of OG fans.

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Perhaps it’s just me, but actually announcing a date for removal (by any big company of anything) sounds a bit strange. I just can’t get this subtext out of my head: “Come out in force with money and see this sex-related oddity while it’s still around!”


I believe that is either a gross exaggeration or an urban legend. A full scale replica would have been very daunting project even for someone with Michael Jackson’s resources.

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And the guy who proposed that Wakanda go out and give the colonizers what they gave ended up dead, didn’t he? I think you missed the point of that whole debate between Killmonger and T’Challa.

As for Somalia, please explain to me what recourse an impoverished and unrepresented people actually have in a world where the ability to get actual redress for criminal activities by powerful nations is directed through bodies controlled by those very same bodies.


Somalis aren’t cartoonish boogeymen… they are human beings whose ability to change the circumstances in which they find themselves rather limited.


Not sure what the relevance of this is here. The topic is Disneyland’s cartoonish depiction of sex slavery and the meaning of eradicating it now vs. later.

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The real history of women and Caribbean piracy could make a fascinating display.

Unless you’ve actively studied it, from multiple sources, you are pretty much guaranteed to be completely wrong about it. Well, OK, at least I was completely wrong before I studied it, I shouldn’t speak for others.

For instance a woman captured by Blackbeard was more likely to be murdered - without being sexually molested at all - than raped or sold. And while some pirates might well treat a captured white woman with utmost courtesy, and return her to kin without ransom, those same pirates were just as likely to visit horrific atrocities upon captured Africans of any gender. It’s truly a deep and interesting historical subject, certainly not captured by Disney in any way.