Display problems on iOS 12.3 Safari

I keep getting into a weird state where the right edge of the screen is cut off. I’m now constantly having to zoom out slightly.

I just started noticing this. It’s incredibly aggravating. Not sure if this is a Discourse issue or something else.

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Seems to happen when I reply to a post

We have a lot of people using Mobile Safari (including me) so we would have heard of this. Can you repro it at try.discourse.org? Does it repro on the white theme?

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I think I figured it out. It’s a bug when you’re using the “smaller” text size. And yes, it does repro on try.discourse.org after changing the text size from “normal” to “smaller” in interface settings.

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Aw nice we’ll look into this.

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Can confirm. That’s been going on for a while.

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Thanks! I’m glad I was able to pinpoint the exact cause here because it was driving me nuts. At least I have a workaround (use normal size text).

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