DIY wound-closing with this $10 skin stapler

One of the minor sad points of growing old has been that many of my scars have faded and disappeared. I worked hard to do things stupid enough to get some of those, and I kind of hate to see them go …


A few months ago I went to urgent care with a cut that seemed deep enough to warrant the trip. They glued it shut and gave me a tetanus shot, then a couple months later, surprise bill for $300, on top of the copay I already paid. At least this thing won’t send me any nasty surprises in the mail.

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She was running around almost immediately after…she faked the surgery. Hope you feel better now. :slight_smile:

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You mean Elizabeth Shaw (a character from the movie Prometheus)? Not according to the plot synopsis, she didn’t. :thinking:

More on topic, my wife asked her dentist why they didn’t use something like superglue to seal up fillings, and the dentist told her that saliva would eat through it.


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Next you’ll be telling me Aliens aren’t real.

You know who could have used that $10 skin stapler? The androids from the Alien franchise, that’s who. Ash, Bishop, David – things just don’t go well for the “artificial persons” in those movies.

This is actually a good thing to have in your first aid kit when on excursions (ex: mountaineering; spelunking; expeditions) to remote, hard-to-get to locations.

Why am I spending money on that? I have a perfectly good Leatherman and a ball point pen (or silicone tubing) right here.


Doctors have it all wrong. The real deal with a pneumothorax is that the hole in the chest is too small for air to escape. The trick is to make the hole much, much bigger. Some people use a cordless drill for this, but I prefer a splitting maul. Using this method, I have never had a patient die as a result of the pneumothorax.


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