I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain’t one. Now a molly, on the other hand…
That’s pretty much what the over-stating sign says, and that by making people curious about what would happen if the cat was allowed in. It’s the “Don’t Push the Red Button!” effect.
That’s good.
So why do you allow small children or people with allergies in the library? I understand there are some conflicting values at play but the choice is clear.
Our office cat loves jumping up on conference tables and pawing at the paperwork there (while also knocking over pens and such). A playful library cat could do the same… but with torn library book pages being the result.
He just wants to be let into the library’s reading room so that he may work on his magnum opus, Max’s Das Katipal.
A key crewmember of the Red Dwarf is most offended
Apparently Max is used to roaming the entire campus, and likes socializing with lots of people. The main problem, according to the story in WaPo, is that one of the employees at the library is allergic.
To add “insult to injury” he’s been temporarily ‘grounded’ by his owners because of construction on the campus grounds, which makes it hazardous to let him roam freely.
Poor baby.
Fair enough and it sounds like he gets plenty of adoration from the humans.
Everyone in our office loves our cat. He provides much needed, guaranteed stress relief. Otherwise, we’d go nuts.
PS: Our cat is much cuter when it comes to swiping things off tables.
It would be me. Or the cat. I couldn’t. Just COULDNT.
Now an office doggo or fish. I’m on board.
We had library fish for a while, including an albino cichlid with a bad temper. We called him Vanilla Ice. Junior, the former library cat, found him relevant to his interests. What Junior didn’t know is that cichlids have pharyngeal jaws.
You’re dead to me.
Oh, snap - feline profiling!
African cichlids are some of the smartest fish. Red oscars especially. We had one that used to enjoy being pet. Just hold your hand at the surface of the water and he’d run his back along it over and over again.
That must have been an odd sensation…
More so watching him do it. Normally you’d be worried a cichlid would nibble or outright chomp on you.
Seeing him happily swim back and forth across your hand was an odd sight…he was clearly gleeful about it. Maybe he was just trying to get you into a false sense of security.
I worked in a place with an office dog once. She immediately zeroed in on the one creepy guy who kept asking out all the female co-workers (despite weekly rejections). The dog followed him around for days, camped out in his workspace, and finally peed on the edge of his desk.
Her owner pretended to be horrified, while the rest of us gave her treats and pats on the head for the rest of her office tenure.
Best. dog. ever.