Do you have negative ESP?

I do that, and people just tell me to wait until cocktail o’clock.

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Positive ESP seems to affect about 5% of the population.

That is, in controlled experiments, about 5% of subjects perform significantly better than random.
Another 5% perform significantly worse than random.

Interestingly, when re-examining their data, researchers have found that only about one in twenty subjects exhibit performance that is significantly different from random performance.

Another completely unrelated fact that parapsychologists do not eat significantly more jelly beans than real scientists.

vague excuse for

Hm - I always tend to score way too close to random on those tests to be a coincidence.

Like when I’m flipping a coin, I always get exactly 50% heads and tails.

Is that normal? Or is it a little too normal?


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Some older computers were quite sensitive to static electricity. If that girl had a habit of wearing woolens sweaters, or just tended to scuff her feet more while walking, she might simply have been carrying around a higher than average static charge causing computers to crash around her occasionally.

(Or someone was messing with her head, and intentionally crashing the computer she was on. Been there, done that… :smiley: )

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I think it depended on the tightness of the sweaters and how she looked in it. The ultimate determining factor being the horniness of the IT department and their ability to speak with real live women.

So, they found that about 95% were within two standard deviations of the expected mean?

How odd.


Which, of course, means that what they’re really looking for is the midi-chlorians of bad luck.



Don’t DO that!

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I’m … on beta blockers? And I talk 100 miles an hour but it is a low dose. Keeps me from throwing off PVCs.

You could go to the Smart Bar and ask about removing hexes.


I got put on those for blood pressure/heart rate recently. Oh man. Sleep what the hell is that and freaky vivid dreams for the hour or two of sleep before being AWAKE again. Went off for a month, the doc said lets try again, took em in the morning this time and it was a better kick in the brain for being alert than coffee. Still couldn’t sleep and spent the day AWAKE but also totally wiped mentally and physically cause no sleep. It worked great for the blood pressure.

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How funny, when I started mine all I wanted to do was sleep. All day long. I was so freaking tired. It took me a couple of months at the lowest dose to finally adjust and regain my energy.


You’re not taking them to try and completely cancel out the nervousness of running for president.

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I read up afterwards and they can pass the blood brain barrier and when the do, well you get the fun I had. Luckily there were no nightmares, well one but mostly just very vivid strange dreams (or maybe I am warped enough that what would be nightmares for other people just makes my dream self say this is just plain weird even for a dream)

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I believe PT Barnum distilled that down to one simple sentence:

“There is a sucker born every minute”.


“So if she weighs the same as a duck…she’s a witch!!!”


Don’t casino operators believe in these people, believe that it is catching, and employ them to cool off high rollers?

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Negative ESP story of the day (and yes, I have subsequently realized what day it is!)

Today, my 2 year old son made a run for the front gate as I was checking whether I had everything before dropping him off at nursery. I ran to stop him and then found that my keys were not in my pocket. After dropping him off I text my wife to say that I was locked out and traveling to her school to borrow her keys. About 5 minutes later I got a phone call from my wife to tell me that she also forgot her keys. I tried our cleaner but she was working and wouldn’t be home until 4pm. My wife had closed all the windows after herself for the first time this year.

So I got a locksmith (and can confirm that the [Israeli Locksmith Mafia] ( Cory reported on a few months ago are also operating in London, although at least the price I paid was only about twice that quoted on the website) and a young man came around with a bag full of weird tools and we eventually got the door open (I insisted that it be non-destructive, which he probably thought was making life more difficult; but I knew that the cylinder of my door lock system was drill-resistant and getting in before 4pm wasn’t worth the cost and time of replacing it anyway).


Like this? :wink:

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