Doctors perform first penis transplant in U.S

Mostly off-topic, but anyway. The WaPo covered a governmental website about sexual education, mostly aimed at immigrants.

Money quote: “On the other side of the Atlantic, such material might cause a stir.” The US standards regarding visible skin and sexuality are a mystery for me.

They seem pretty backwards to me too and I live here. Unfortunately, a big founding influence for us was a group of people that Europe kicked out for being too religious.

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More for being the wrong sort of religious - I don’t think Europe should pat itself on the back for its humanism at the time.


Middle School?!? I’m 42 and this is still my humor most days!!! I just use my inside voice on them so no one realizes what an immature man-child I am :slight_smile:

These jokes are just the tip.


Listen, all else being equal I would choose Dr. Dicken 100% of the time for this surgery.

No, that would be nuts!


The guy’s last name is Manning. Cousins, maybe?


If the neuroregenerative process stops short of to restoring pleasurable sensation in his new penis such that he’s unable to attain orgasm, then yes, a strap-on will be required to finish the job. He just won’t be the one wearing it.

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Something something, I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick.

I guess that old epithet went out the window

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Ha! No. Right time period, wrong coast.

It’s called brachydactyly and can affect one or more fingers or toes.

Megan Fox is a public example of one of the more common examples, which is when only one or both of the thumbs are affected.

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