Does smoking a cigarette through a rotten green pepper deliver a psychedelic experience?

Seth Meyers Idk GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

That’s what it seems like to me… over where @Malarkey gets their peppers… FFS…


That gif is an accurate representation of my entire experience every time I have the misfortune of entering a Walmart.


Well the produce at my local Walmart always looks great. Same with the expensive af Mexican grocery and the Asian grocery near me. They’re on top of it with cleanliness. Idk if that’s good or bad, waste or virtue, and I don’t enjoy experimenting with molds so I’ve never tried to buy one. I suspect all sorts of moldy veg could be found in the dumpsters behind a store if one looks diligently, no purchase necessary.


I shop at places such as Aldi and Walmart. The only times I’ve encountered mold is when purchasing pre-packed fruit (strawberries) that was damaged in packaging and the mold wasn’t visible from the outside of the container.


You might want to read the TOS here. Insulting fellow posters is not acceptable in general, and as a result of personal information you read in their profile is particularly frowned up.


:musical_note:Quite rightly.


It’s established folk wisdom because it works. Don’t use a sweet liqueur, but most alcohol, especially high octane spirits like whiskey or gin, will help calm down gastrointestinal upset.


I remember meeting a kid who swore by his family’s toilet paper. He’d roll it up and said it was a far superior buzz compared to his schools paper towels.

Having been basically hot-boxed more than once I knew better, but I let him have his fun.


… something that many larger supermarkets address by having in-house kitchens and restaurants sell you cooked food made from still edible ingredients that were near to being not sellable due to “sell by” dates (ex: meats) and unattractiveness (ex: blemished vegetables), i.e., items that are likely to be avoided by customers. My guess is that some of these items may be pulled out and – if not immediately cooked for your takeaway meal – placed in some freezer for later prep. Bon Appetit.


Well I don’t know about all that, but I do know that one of the nastiest pranks you can pull on a weed smoker is to lace their bowl with a chilli seed. :hot_pepper:

Over me saying where I don’t get my peppers, fffs.

In order to make a rather baseless assumption about another poster.

Which is an assumption that @Malarkey does so… or that the only way to get a non-rotten green pepper is to shop there…

And of course, several other posters pointed out that they manage to get decent produce elsewhere… specifically, ones that aren’t rotten.

You specifically picked a poster that you apparently have some sort of grudge against based on what’s in their profile, and made an assumption of where that person shops, to highlight where you shop. You said, in a now moved post:

how dare I assume that somebody who stereotypically boasts their coding creds in their profile shop at some stereotypically costlier-than-average source with higher quality produce.

What exactly was the point of that, if you’re only point was to talk about where you shop? Why did you make an assumption that @Malarkey must shop at whole foods in the first place?

Again, this is a fucking thread about smoking a cigarette through a rotten pepper, and you used it to make baseless assumptions about another poster for no reason, other than you dislike their profile… :woman_shrugging:

But we’re the ones being unreasonable… sure…


Yeah, no.