Dog-eating festival in China causes global outrage

The pigs and sheep you see walking around today are zombies compared to their effervescent ancestors on the Ark. They’ve had the stuffing knocked out of them. And some of them, like the turkey, have to endure the further indignity of having the stuffing put back into them—before they are braised or boiled.

-Julian Barnes, A History of the World In 10 and 1/2 Chapters, from Chapter 1, “The Stowaway”, an insider’s view of Noah’s ark.

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Agreed. I also exclude wild animals that can predate on me or who are likely to crush/tear me to shreds should they so decide. Détente seems to be working so far with all sharks, bears, elephants, lions, tigers, cougars, and moose.

Having spent significant time on a traditional farm and having owned chickens personally: I have no problem with eating humanly raised chickens/turkeys, they are dumb and often cruel.

Furthermore, I have no problem eating humanely raised pigs. People say they are smart, and maybe they are, but the intelligence seems to boil down to one repeating question in their brains “is this food? are you food? is this food?” You can provide, provide, and provide for them day after day and those fuckers would eat you if you passed out on the ground for 5 minutes.

Cows, now that’s a bit more tricky. They are definitely much more emotional, compassionate and complex animals, particularly the dairy cows. But, heck, I gotta eat and humanly raised cows/steers who live a life that’s - happy, happy, happy, happy, dead. - don’t seem like a bad choice.

I don’t know sheep very well, but the same goes for lamb, which is generally ~60 pounds at the time of slaughter around their 1st birthday (Over 1-year old and it technically becomes “hogget” and then later “mutton” but the US basically ignores these international standards for labeling, from what I’ve read.)

Deer and Elk, talk about free-range organic happy meat!

In essence, nobody should eat any animal that they couldn’t first look in the eye and then kill.
(I’d sooner eat human than eat dog.)


But they are torturing and killing and eating animals different from the animals we daily torture, kill, and eat. I am outraged.


Look at the DC-DC modules from Shenzhen, or at the CP2102 ones, or the nRF24L01+ ones… $1 to $2 a pop. You can have a pack of 10 for what a single one costs in The West. Until my local stores can compete with such price, screw the origin.

I find it difficult to believe that these dogs are stolen pets. There are only few breeds that are raised for food. I’ve heard they only use Nureongi which is native to Korea. No one keep them as pets. Are you sure it isn’t fake report?


I feel like it’s less “I don’t understand Chinese customs” and more “OMG dogs are so cute how could you possibly mistreat and eat such a loving adorable pet, even though I’m totally fine with eating animals treated the exact same way that I don’t want to keep as a pet”

It is very hard to completely avoid anything that was made in China, as often items that are manufactured in other countries still contain parts sourced from China. Or using raw materials sourced from China (rare earths in particular)


Oh, I’m not suggesting you will be able to avoid 100% of things with a Chinese involvement, but it’s certainly something you can do. Not being able to avoid Chinese products 100% of the time does not negate the strategy.

Until people stop buying based on price alone, the price difference will remain that way too.


What about whale meat?

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There are photos making the rounds of muzzled (well, mouth wired shut) dogs being burned.alive.

I eat (humane) meat but I don’t burn mammals alive.

(Edited to say that I concur with @ben_ehlers if that’s not clear.)

There is nothing new with humans eating meat, but there are also differences between that which we raise for livestock, and that which we have created as human companions.
The bottom line for me with this issue is to not treat any animal in a barbaric fashion. They literally go out of their way to be cruel to these dogs.
We have standards in the USA as do most developed countries (admittedly, it could be better) on how we get our meat and it doesn’t include these horrifying practices.
People shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss those that find this terrible as hypocrites.


Looks like the intelligent designer created us a wacky world.


Pigs are about as intelligent as dogs. I’m not a complete cultural relativist, but if you eat pork you have no right to complain about people eating dogs.


Aren’t you?

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I am, indeed. However, eating your own species brings increased risk of pathogen transmission, see kuru, so it is not generally a good idea. On the other hand, when in a pinch it’s a good survival bet, see that aircraft mishap in Andes and numerous other cases.


OK, I hear what you’re saying…


apt comparison when dogs are endangered.

As long as the dogs are not people’s pets and treated in the same manner as other livestock (humanely if you feel treating livestock can be humane). Then it’s hypocritical to get upset about this and not say bacon.


Forgot to mention that Chinese who eat dogs see dogs like we see fish. Only few breeds are raised for food, like one can be avid pet fish owner and still enjoy smoked salmon on a bagel.

Eating pet dogs would be as disgusting as eating goldfish. So I really don’t think they could have stolen pet dogs for the festival. I mean, you wouldn’t suspect Red Lobster for stealing from your local aquarium.


700,000 signatures??

Wow, that’s almost as many signatures as civilians killed in the Iraq war! Coincidence? I think not.

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