Dog facebutts stationary truck

I did it once in broad daylight. I’d just been through the door. The screen door was wide open. When I came through the door, I barely entered the house, I just crossed the threshold and stopped. While I was inside, with my back to the door, someone closed the screen door and I didn’t hear it. I turn to go back outside again and walk right through.

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Boxers look the way they look because they constantly have to seize up anyone they encounter and have to deceide how to react to them. As far as I can tell their guidelines seem to be:

  1. If it’s smaller than me, protect it.
  2. If it’s about my size, try to mate with it.
  3. If it’s larger than me, attack it.

Boxers - if the word derp was made animate.


I got surprised by a tall goat fence. I was running through knee-deep snow at night in a snowstorm, trying to catch my loose dog before he encountered an angry moose or more likely, a car on a road. Everything in front of me looked white when suddenly: resistance, then being flung onto my back. My first thought was “Did I just hit a fucking force field??” followed by laughter when I crawled up to see what it actually was.

I like to think they’re so smart, they need to amuse themselves by pretending to be complete morons.
Source: Am owner of 2 boxers.

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