Well, same can be said of humans. The question is what counts as “close to them in social terms” . I just was accosted in my front yard by a dog I’d never seen before, who was sure I wanted to rub his belly. He was correct, btw. Some dogs see all of humanity as included in their tribe, as do some humans. Others do not, and should be treated warily. (nice glider, )
Well, like I said, I am from there, and while I wouldn’t call myself a hillbilly, I could certainly give them a hard time about being hillbillies, just like they would give me a hard time about being a hippie, and nobody would take it personally, so I don’t think it’s worth being that sensitive about.
Cool. If I’d had a problem with what you said, I’d have flagged it. I didn’t. But you addressed me and said I could say it, and I disagree based on my own ethical framework.
Look, I appreciate you making it clear you weren’t being denigrating. Maybe given that it seemed like a lot of folks here were making jokes in the same vein, I had an underlying assumption about your usage. But most of my life I’ve lived in major metropolitan areas, and heard that term used more often as a slur than a playful ribbing. And there is a certain willingness among some city-dwellers to look down their noses particularly at poor rural mountain folk, which is why I personally am not going to join in using that term.
I hope we’ve cleared the air and can let this thread return to topic.
There is a secret arena buried below the Natural History Museum, where Richard Fortey and his colleagues force captured non-cladists to fight to the death for their entertainment.
Not many people know that,
This was the most Estonia story ever this week.
They have free WiFi everywhere. He just has to go on-line.
Did somebody say dogs and hillbillies in the same sentence!?
Do you like my disguise? I found it and now it’s mine. When I push my snout into it, I think humans can’t tell I’m a wolf. They seem to feel safe and to come very close. Then I just flip my head up and back and it flies off. And now, as my head is coming back down and forward, my jaws are already opening wide. There is some metal thing in front of the humans face, but it is the naked throat beneath that they will close around and rip open. That’s right… just a little closer…see that I can’t possibly hurt you because I have my disguise on my snout.
If it’s good enough for Solid Snake…
I used to think it meant that they couldn’t breed, but it doesn’t seem to be true.
Some different species can and do interbreed, like the Carrion Crow / Hooded Crow, the White tailed Duck / Ruddy Duck and the domestic cat / European wildcat
Also look at ring species.
I’m not entirely sure what makes a species a species anymore.
Half drowned and on the edge of dying from hypothermia. I’m guessing old Lupo was barely conscious and just happy not to be in the river any longer.
I have spent a good part of my life in the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas and have hillbilly kin and friends. I can’t imagine any of them objecting to being described as they have been in this thread. Calling them throwbacks, saying that they are insular and somewhat threatening to outsiders is fine with them.
that makes a lot of sense because the meaning of the word mowgli in inuit is Liam Neeson.
It is repeated in local stories how often mowgli would be seen dancing with the wolves beneath the arctic lights. Mainly square dancing, but also some really classy waltzes too.
on edit: I see people are not as enchanted by the vision of a new Dances with Wolves production starring Liam Neeson as I am.
Think of it from the wolf’s perspective. You’re going about your business, and suddenly the ice gives way and your dumped in an icy river. Next thing you’re riding in a car with some Rando.
Yeah, but then someone warms you up with a hair dryer and gives you some really good drugs and a snazzy new collar.
I would like to point out that dogs can also be dangerous.
Especially when they carry rabies.
This story made me really happy. Thanks for sharing it.
If he was cold enough and hypothermia had started to set in he was possibly already hallucinating before he was rescued, if what happens to people happens to wolves. The rest of the adventure might have been just more of the same.
Yup. And saying that they’re more confident and less docile, and comparing them to wolvesas opposed to city folks’ dogs, are outright compliments.
Sounds like a good night out to me.