Originally published at: Is this rescued animal a dog or coyote? Wildlife experts unsure. | Boing Boing
Probably a coydog. I’m sure a dna test would get this figured out.
Crikey, that person better start backing away slowly right now…that’s totally the puma from this post in disguise!
Thought the same thing. I guess nobody involved took the 15 seconds of googling to recognize that “dog or coyote” is not a binary question.
I’m also a little concerned that they don’t seem to know dogs can carry rabies.
You don’t need to determine dog or coyote to find out if it has rabies.
Whatever it is, I hope the furry creature gets healthy and back to its normal life soon.
Whatever it is, I hope it’s a good boy.
I hope it’s actually a chupacabra.
I still don’t understand how this happened:
It’s as though people just decided the Loch Ness monster is a big hairless otter, or Bigfoot is just an extra-hairy human hermit who lives in the woods. Gotta boring up those cryptids!
The problem with stories like this is that we’re unlikely to ever get a follow-up.
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