Originally published at: Dog saves owner from meteorite | Boing Boing
I have my doubts that the dog alerted the owner deliberately. For one thing it has been long established that dogs can’t look up.
i don’t care how good a dog is, i cannot believe it knew a meteorite was coming.
The dilemma was how to alert the owner to the danger without compromising the dog’s secret identity as an extraterrestrial superhero.
Perhaps the dog was picking up an electrophonic meteor, which can be “heard” at the same time they are seen.
Rock crashes thru roof, lands on bed, startles dog, dog barks, human wakes, dog goes back to sleep.
My pup leaves little meteorites around the yard. I think that’s special enough for us.
I feel like I always hear about meteorites striking at high latitudes (the opposite of what you’d expect), and I am idly curious whether that’s a real thing, and if so, why
I remember being a tiny little kid at the Chicago Field Museum seeing the car seat and muffler that was hit by one.
Wow interesting story but who else got a total Candace Bergan Murphy Brown from the CBC newscastor?
JACKPOT!!! A meteor that size with such a cool story has got to be worth some M-O-N-E-Y does it not??
Not a cent less than $200!
Some of these meteor falls have ended up in the courts though when the homeowner sued the renter
Well, she couldn’t have been hit by a falling meteorite unless someone threw it in the air. But that does beg the question, does it go from being a meteor to a meteorite once it hits the earth only or does a human head suffice?