Originally published at: Dog solves problem | Boing Boing
good boy has brain
[dog brain priority one]: “MUST… NOT… DROP… STICK!!”
My dog could probably work this out. He can open every door in my house, which occasionally causes problems. He’s freaky smart, but sometimes life would be easier if he weren’t quite so smart. Life would be less entertaining, though, so I’ll stick with my freaky smart Houdini dog.
Those are just the kind of qualities we are looking for in a branch manager.
(That little whine of longing just before he works it out.)
What a good boy. Pet pet pet. He gets all the internets for the day.
Stick with it, boy! You’ll twig the answer in the end. Then you can have a happy bark; but don’t drop a celebratory log, because we are all out of poop-bags.
All sticks must be returned to the library.
My favorite part is when he realizes there is a problem, and his ears turn up as he’s thinking.
All the warm fuzzies; good boy, Theo.
It’s the moment right before that for me…everything stops, including the tail for a brief second then it kicks in that there is a problem. It’s like he runs a full diagnostic to try to figure out what’s going on and that requires the tail to stop wagging.
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