Dogs are getting sick from roaches discarded by weed smokers

Originally published at: Dogs are getting sick from roaches discarded by weed smokers | Boing Boing


I am always worried in my high-traffic neighborhood where weed tourism and rampant street drug use are a thing, that my pups will ingest something. Roach. Edible. Needle. Who knows? It is wild out there.


I understand how this happens with cartridges and edibles, but I don’t think this is possible with true roaches, is it? Cannabis leaf has to be decarboxylated with heat (eg. burning) to become bio-available. Otherwise you’d just poop it out. Maybe they’re reacting to other cannabinoids?

ETA: While editing this it got a like from @PhishBurp It’s all connected, man.


The only relatable experience I have is taking my dog to the Renfair and him finding every fucking discarded bit of turkey leg.


Maybe we could reassign the DEA to deal with people who can’t resist smoking like assholes, rather than doing enforcement based on what they are smoking. Plenty of litterers and That Vape Dude to deal with.


Is this worse than dogs eating nub-ends? If not, why wasn’t this highlighted when smoking ciggies was all the rage?


Scene: Interior: a DEA Portakabin in a car park.
Agent #1, “We’ve got a report of an asshole dropping his vape cartridge on main street.”
Agent #2, operating the controls of the MQ-9 Reaper loitering over the city, “Target engaged… Fox Two!”



Hard to believe there’s something worse than catching your dog eating poop, but here we are.

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People who eat ribs and chicken wings and leave bones on the street or beach are the worst.


Aren’t we all?

In this case it’s wood chips and bare earth, but yes!

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AFAIK it was definitely a concern in cities and still is. People who throw their cigs on the ground where they poison wildlife and pets, start fires, and just generally look like ugly trash… well, they are assholes too. For god’s sakes people you were smoking the thing thirty seconds ago you can hold onto it for a few more minutes until you find a trash can.

The worst offenders to me are the ones who are sitting on their own balconies twenty feet from their own trash cans but still flick the things onto the ground for everyone else to deal with instead.


From my very limited experience, this sounds like the poor mutts are involuntarily high.
Yes, it’s bloody irresponsible, but try teaching someone who’s high responsibility or concern for others.

This sounds like a bit of a preach. I’m actually for legalisation. But let’s have a bit of common sense, eh?
And yeah, toking and common-sense may not always travel hand-in-hand, I know.

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