Don Junior: conspiracy theorist or structural engineer?

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“Cokehead”. With Junior, the explanation is always “cokehead”. Just imagine a big long snort preceding any idiotic thing that comes out of the failson’s mouth.


I’ve met plenty of people who were perfectly capable of embracing idiotic conspiracy theories without the aid of chemical substances.


True, but it really helps.


Also incapable of believing he was an accident.


It’s also trying to be his dad. Day in, day out, he sees his dad spout crazy talk, and his fans eat it up. So Junior tries to be the same. But he’s only a moderately successful youtuber. Nobody takes some seriously as a possible VP, or Congressional timber. He had to admit in court that his day job is to pretend to be a businessman, so that cosplay is ineffective. He likely encourages his dad to eat more bacon, in the hopes that in the a world without Big Orange, he can finally shine on his own, and not be a dim reflection.

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“Weak minds and conspiracy theories, is there a correlation? More at 11.”


Yet another tr0ll under the bridge.


How high is Junior? He still thinks that HE is one day going to be President.

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In Democratic People’s Republic of North America, son of beloved glorious Leader follows beloved glorious Leader into office in order to not deprive the people of having a beloved glorious Leader.


He could be. If Trump gets elected, there’s a good chance that the US becomes a de facto one-party state. Donald is fast approaching his sell-by date, so he won’t be good for that much longer. Standard practice in other autocracies is to mythologize Dad as the Great Helmsman or the Dear Leader or whatever, and then have one of his children step into his shoes when the time comes. Succession by offspring is a way of reinforcing the cult and building up the legend of the first of the line as a Superior Being of unequaled genetic qualities.

Admittedly, Don jr. isn’t an inspiring choice, but he’s more compelling than Eric and less female than Ivanka. Unless they just skip straight to Barron, who is taller than God (Americans love a tall president!), I’d say he has a chance.


I was going to make some jokes about Obama causing the accident, but I am sadly too late.

There are already conspiracies addressing that absurd scenario.


Whatever else he is, he is first, last and always an idiot.


Boy, he is really giving those valley girls a run for their money with the likes.

9 in 45 seconds, like - thats like, one like every like, 5 seconds… like, weird.

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He is doomed to be America’s Richard Cromwell.

No one remembers Richard Cromwell’s time as Lord Protector. School history lessons just skip from Oliver Cromwell to Charles II (at least mine did).


Me too.

You ever met them on coke?



It’s obvious it was a controlled demolition.

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“I sped up the video and it helped me see it more clearly”…

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It’s all very simple. If accidents could happen then you presumably would have to take precautions against accidents. That’s where things like regulations and health care come in. Since those are well known to be evil and unnecessary, it follows accidents can’t happen, and so anything that looks like an accident is actually the result of sinister forces out to destroy capitalism.


He’s not even good at conspiracy theories! No jewish space lasers or anything.
Conspiracy Theory Twitter GIF by INTO ACTION

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