Donald Sterling's girlfriend has an awesome faceshield

It’s “gold-digger”.

Not that the Sterling asshole doesn’t deserve to have his gold dug, but let’s call it for what it is… I mean, is she dating him because of his sharp wit and tantalising conversation?


What on Earth? Is she planning to make some boilers?

You win ten faceshields, sir.


Yeah, I was going to say I saw heaps of those in HK. My dad even bought one. They’re cheap as anything.

That looks like one of those hats Korean ladies wear with the brim turned down

No. She’s dating him for his dashing good looks.



  1. Many jurisdictions have anti-masking laws, which might get invoked at some point if this persists.

  2. The author of ‘Little Brother’ ought to be applauding this anti-surveillance tech. How about cube-corner reflector earrings to reflect the flash back, washing out the picture? Or shoulder mounted slave strobes to do the same?

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So, basically another “news” story that shouldn’t be interesting to anyone that doesn’t know the people personally?

This faceshield is everywhere in China

I wonder if there is a way to create a shield that displays an offensive message that is only visible through the use of a camera. That way no public indecency but they would have to fuzz or pixel-ate every picture they use.

Also Anti-masking laws are sort of bs outside of security and identification points.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Public figure with hiring authority is racist as hell = news.

OMG his girlfriend is wearing a funny hat!!! = not news.

What’s up, BoingBoing? Should we be expecting up-to-the-minute Justin Beiber updates tomorrow?

Reminds me of Abbie Hoffman, back in the day, writing FUCK on his forehead to foil photographers.


This is one of those things that helps me believe that it’s 2014.


I thought the point of this post was not the paparazzi angle, more the fact a public figure is wearing a rainbow face shield in public, the kind of cultural oddity that fires the BB synapses I thought…


Also, it’s an interesting stab at anti-surveillance tactics.

Holy hand grenade… are you psychic?? As I write this, the top article on the BoingBoing site is about the Biebs’ eggscapade… And there hasn’t been a unicorn mental pallette cleanser for a long time.

Yes I’m getting worried - what is happening? I’m so confused!!! Banana, stat!

LOL, a rich white person getting charged with a nuisance law? Dream on buddy. That law is not for them, like most laws once you get rich enough.

Haha, yes I live in Cupertino, and they’re everywhere. My brother in law came to visit from Brazil, and thought it was some kind of Robocop fan club.