Donald Trump asks "Where is the outrage for this Disney book?"

I am outraged - there is hell toupée!

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There’s a song in Frozen titled “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”


Ah but they ain’t Stars of David!
They’re Stars of Daley.



To which the answer is obviously yes.


My kid (I guess technically Jewish as her mother, and her mother’s mother are etc…) has this exact book, and we honestly never even noticed the star of David on the cover. We were much more concerned with "Why the F are there 10 stickers of Kristoff on the cabinets) (answer apparently was the Kristoff was having a party with apparently only himself).


As I tweeted earlier today… If there was a well-trafficked stereotype that Jews secretly had the ability to shoot ice from their fingers? Then yes, this graphic would have produced outrage.




It doesn’t take much digging to come up with a six-pointed star shape. Regardless, Frozen doesn’t have any historical association with antisemitic imagery. Piles of money and accusations of corruption, however… The dots connect themselves even without the larger context of the Trump campaign’s racism and the original source of the image.


Your google-fu needs work :wink:

The fuck even is this shit? I expect incoherent twaddle from one side but getting it from both is even more depressing.

Is this the caliber of sniping we’re gonna get out of our candidates? My grade-school nieces and nephews have more interesting fights. I’d rather Trump and Clinton just had at each other with foam pool noodles while their aides chanted from the ropes.

This is apparently what we get for decades of God blessing the nation. He hates us. That, or his blessometer is misconfigured.


“Another great post by Donnie! Trump 1, filthy foreigners 0. Oh, wait, no, the Jews! They have power! Oh man… what do I do… delete the post, quick… aw man…”

I dunno (It’s way early for me to be awake), but this election year seems to be manna from heaven for comedians and talk show hosts. Colbert was having a ball with it, last time i saw the Late Show. It’s not shaping up too well for the rest of us… I do like that phrase about how the “blessometer is misconfigured.” (I may have to swipe it at some point. :smile: )

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Maybe they just had a ridiculously tight deadline? And discovered the link for the snowflake was broken?


I’d pay good money to see this. :wink:


Trump always has friends to deny his racism and they like all what he say

  • Build a wall to leave out Mexican
    But my Mexican hard working friends say they like it

  • Stop all muslim from entering the USA
    But all my Muslim friends say they like it


Well, it’s a way-after-the-fact coloring book, so maybe more like:

Intern: What say, self? This snowflake vector is looking pretty good!
Intern: You’re right, self! Fireworks is a great piece of software, and was easy to learn!
Intern: Well, give me a little credit, self, Adobe support pages are awful, I did a lot of googling!
Intern: You’re right, self. We’ve worked hard enough for one day. *goes back to reading boingboing*


Yep, I’ve put together graphic design work on Disney properties as a lowly temp. They produce a LOT of merchandise through a LOT of partners and licensees, often produced by people who are quickly handed a folder of key art and a few words of guidance on what needs to be thrown together. Guaranteed this one was never kicked very far up the corporate ladder for approval.


“Also…can someone please define ‘context’…people keep saying that word to me…it must be a media conspiracy!”

I like ‘six’ll get you four’, because Runyon.