Donald Trump confirms, then denies, father's arrest at Klan rally

Hmm. Maybe after all, McCain’s choice of Palin was more than just a Hail Mary.


I am not a supporter of Trump (or any of the others for that matter), but come on… the establishment is so scared of this guy, I mean nothing they have tried to stick to him has stuck, so they keep digging, trying to find that one nugget to make voters go “oh, crap, I don’t like him anymore…” Whether it is the governing establishment, or the certain media lackeys who are controlled by them, this kind of “news” gets old fast. Sure, the people who already hate Trump will eat this up, as one can clearly see in the comments above… so, it is all too easy to see what is going on here with this pandering hit piece, especially when you step back and look at it all with a wide angle lens… pathetic.

There is approximately ten billion percent more evidence that Trump was raised by a Klansman than Obama was born in Kenya to parents who smuggled him into the U.S. and raised him as a secret Muslim. If Trump can’t handle some straightforward questions about his family background then he should shut the fuck up about everyone else’s.

(Also: welcome to Boing Boing, non-Trump supporter!)


The Trump father connection is just as empty and pointless to bring up as the Obama Jeremiah Wright connection from back in the day… Obama is his own man, same for Trump… but I digress…

To your point about how Trump was raised and where Obama was born…who cares about either?! You clearly missed the point of what I said, and thus reveal how perceptive you are to the bigger picture… go on, keep that Rep vs Dem train a rolling… it is pure ignorance to pick a side if you ask me. Hillary, Trump, or Deez Nuts… it doesn’t matter who gets in office… we the people are screwed no matter what. We lost our voice long ago…

Thanks for the warm welcome. :slight_smile:

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Trump cares very much about where Obama was born (or more accurately, he really really really likes making unfounded allegations about where Obama was born). Even now he eagerly embraces any opportunity to fan the widespread falsehoods around Obama’s background.

So yeah, I’d say “he can dish out unfounded allegations about other people’s family backgrounds but he blows his lid when others bring up documented evidence about his own family background” says a helluva lot about his character.


And even more to the point, a lot of Trump supporters seem to believe those unfounded allegations and care about them.

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“Totally false. We lived on Wareham. The Devonshire — I know there is a road Devonshire but I don’t think my father ever lived on Devonshire.”

How the FRACK would he know? He wasn’t even a gleam in his daddy’s eye for 20 years after all this took place!

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true, but rob also wrote this:

[The Donald] also worked alongside and was mentored by [his father] as a young man. A 1979 article, published by Village Voice, reported on a civil rights lawsuit that alleged the Trumps refused to rent to black home-seekers.


This is something I’ve noticed with quite a few of these anti-immigration politicians: most of the ones I’ve researched have at least one or two grandparents who immigrated here. They have no business deciding they’re the ones who get to close the gate behind them.

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It’s so funny, mainstream republicans dismissed Rudy Giuliani as too New York to be a serious conservative, and yet most people, including New Yorkers have known that Trump has been a serious asshole for over 20 years (seriously try not to vomit from this New Yorker bio from 1997).

You’re defending a serial con-man. Serial.


You’re daft as a loony bin’s hatter. First, his ‘dislikes’ are so far off the charts in certain areas as to make him nearly radioactive in the general election, and anyone who is listening closely awake during one of his debate answers can sense that he has no clue about governance, and that it wouldn’t take a Putin or Ping to goad him into doing something monstrously stupid.
As for your “teflon” thought, the establishment, at least the ones who can remember history past That Time Bush Posed On That Boat, are scared to death of Trump becoming a uniting force for racists, bigots, and fascists that won’t foment anything other than repression and terror. “Politics” and “Diplomacy” are unknowns to The Donald, he understands money and threats and bloviating–he would be an absolute disaster on the international stage.

This is a good point! After all, Bush only needed someone awful enough that the Democrats wouldn’t kick him out of office. McCain needed someone of such weapon-grade malevolent incompetence that the Grim Reaper himself would withdraw his bony finger and say, “HMMM. I’D BETTER GIVE THIS MORE THOUGHT.”


Can we apply that dictum to Trump’s candidacy, and everything else he says and does?

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What’s the thing with the local Trumpmania?

Laughter, mostly.

And written by a bunch of “total losers” too!


Excuse me, sir, calculus makes perfect sense.

We can all be upset about trump without smearing calculus.

Boingboing is not exactly “The Establishment.” In a way, I agree with you, though. I do think that the Republican establishment is terrified of Trump and what he is doing to their party - Fox News didn’t go to war with him on a whim. I also agree that printing stuff like this isn’t going to change the minds of Trump supporters. Trump is still a ridiculous asshole, and yes, I enjoy reading his absurdly stupid, rambling response to a question about his father.

Right now there I think there is an honest candidate on each side of the fence. Trump is honestly racist and honestly sexist and is speaking directly to the Republican based of racist, sexist people who have long been pandered to by the party and have always been disappointed when the governments they elected didn’t do the insane things they wanted. Sanders is honestly trying to fight injustice and limit the toxic influence of the ultra-wealthy on American politics. Party establishment are worried about both.


What I’m seeing is that the people in my life who are Fox News believers are becoming silent. Instead of constantly responding with Fox News talking points nonsense, they’re just not saying much. I don’t dare hope to dream that this means they’ve finally hit the “wait, what?” wall, but clearly they’re realizing that they can’t openly talk about Trump, which has got them not openly talking about any of it. Maybe I’m imagining it, but there does seem to be a quizzical look on their faces now. It’s no longer: we’re right and you’re wrong, full stop.

A girl can dream.


If you live your life doing what your chosen authority figures have told you to do, then you probably go into a form of mild depression when your authority figures contradict each other.


So why even comment then, why get into debates with strangers on the internet if it doesn’t matter either way?

You’re free to not vote, and to ignore the whole electoral process, nobody’s twisting your arm.