Donald Trump issues exquisitely nasty attack on Colin Powell the day after his death

That’s fine. I won’t, nor will many others.


That obit would be quite frameable and look great amongst these:



Of course it did.

Ye Gods, what a complete, utter [moderated AF] merkin von bankrupt is.


Thank you so much for posting this.


Like with nearly everything else, most people will remember Donnie as a POS of one kind or another while the mainstream media ignore them. They’ll probably only focus on sad #MAGAts.


Taking an educated guess, (rather than reverse image searching) I’m going to speculate that those pix were taken after the official announcement of Hitler’s death/the Third Reich’s defeat.

Funny thing about the ‘Pandora’s Box’ which is the internet; mainstream media isn’t the only source for info and mass communication anymore.


Correctly taken. VE day.


His current vocabulary is startlingly small. His general command of the language has declined precipitously over the years, as explored here (a deep analysis of a shallow man):


That line’s gonna need FastPass


Where did this actually appear, I haven’t seen any other coverage of it (might just be me).
How does he thinks this kind of comment reflects on him?

I sincerely hope that Orange Julius’ obit is along the lines of, “Donald Trump has died,” and if anyone feels the need to expand, it, “Former game show host Donald Trump has died.” Keep it one sentence, that’s about all the information anyone needs.


I believe it’s on his private blog/site he’s been forced to rely on since he was banned from major social media platforms, but I ain’t gonna give him the clicks by visiting.


“Failed casino owner Donald Trump has died.” would be more fitting. One sentence and no need to say more. The one thing that Trump hates to be remembered for is being a failure and loser.


Sometimes I wonder if Trump’s total incapacity for decorum is part of what drew so many people to him in 2016. Granted, most of it was racism and bigotry and hate, but the entire institution of American politics is rotten to the core, and Trump, with his complete inability to not treat people like shit, had some level of “finally, someone had the nerve to say it”-ness to him that likely snared more than a handful of people (insert “you can forgive the racism?” meme here).

I’m absolutely not trying to defend Trump being a shitfaced turd-gobbler toward other people, nor am I trying to defend his base (or even the people who held their nose) for supporting him, but nobody else in contemporary US politics has ever been even remotely interested in calling a spade a spade, because they’re all spades in their own shitty ways (and let’s be frank, Trump just called everyone he didn’t like a spade, deserved or not, but stopped clocks and all). Circling the wagons around their fellow “esteemed colleagues” is the sort of thing that inevitably erodes trust and faith in institutions enough for someone like Trump to come along and, despite being naked himself, point out that the emperor has no clothes.

Any frank accounting of Powell’s career absolutely needs to focus on the ways that Powell fucked up on an international scale, but all we get from the media and pundits are hagiographies about a stalwart JCS chairman who broke barriers and loved his country.

I desperately hope Trump doesn’t get his wish about being valorized by the media when he dies, but I can already see the NYT ledes of “Former president Donald Trump, an often divisive but still beloved figure in American politics, passed away today at the age of [not nearly soon enough] while surrounded by family and loved ones.”


His utter lack of shiny polish and any semblance of couth is absolutely appealing to a certain subset of the populace; the sexism and racism was just the ‘double cherry’ on the shit sundae.

They see themselves reflected in him; if they could ever attain any access to ‘big money’ that’s just how they’d act too.

Pretty fucking sickening when you think about it; IMO, the percentage of sociopaths is WAY higher than just 1 out of 25.


Sadopopulism is a good way to think about it…

To some degree, I think so. It’s not just about him “sticking it” to the “chattering classes” or the inside the beltway elite, but to those of us who disagree with them that a bigoted society is what we should have…

But he’s clearly not doing that. At all. His criticism of Powell is not based on his role in the Iraq war. It was based on Powell being critical of him. Let’s not forget that other Bush era figures made it into his administration (Bolton, for one) and he turned on them not because of their association with Bush and the Iraq war, but due to Bolton daring to say no to him.

Well, not really, but some people believe he was doing that… he wasn’t of course.

I posted this in the other Colin Powell thread and I think it addresses what you’re talking about, specifically from people who say that they are on the left (Greenwald and Taibbi mainly):

Kristen Wiig Yep GIF by Where’d You Go Bernadette


Whatever aspect you look at, he’s always been an aspirational figure for arseholes. If they had that kind of money and power that’s just how they’d act.


Oh for sure, Trump absolutely only ever goes after people he things wronged him. But when you’re trying to be president, that list also includes a lot of genuinely really shitty people whose shit has been getting “politely” ignored. He’s just picking up what he knows are bad things for those people to have done (i.e. he specifically says Powell made mistakes in Iraq in his “statement”) and, because his mouth is wired directly to his brain stem, firing those things out as part of justifying why they were terrible for being mean to him, or at least why it’s not fair for them to get treated “better” than him. The criticism of the system and its players is incidental to his personal vendettas, simply by virtue of who the targets are.

Absolutely. It has the veneer of legitimate criticism, but it’s really all just self-indulgent bullying. Too many people seem to look at his remarks and say “well, he criticized Powell (or really, [insert political figure from the early 2000s here]) over Iraq, and you know, he’s got a point”. But he’s not making a point, he’s just scoring one. The inability to distinguish between those two things is, as the article you linked says at length, a major problem. It’s how tritely-vague-but-also-not-wrong applause lines like “drain the swamp” get transformed from “god there’s just so much corruption in DC, we need to fix this” into nights of long knives wielded by the corrupt.


Yes. And he certainly leaned hard on the system when it benefited him.

De Acuerdo Yes GIF



Never heard it described that way, but I love it.

I think you’re onto something. We had LePage here in Maine. Total shithead. No decorum. Later he bragged that he was, “Trump before Trump was Trump,” in the political arena. While LePage was systematically making our state worse, my cousin said, “I like him because he says what he thinks!”
When I responded that, “but what he thinks is really shitty and it’s hurting people,” my cousin just shrugged. :woman_facepalming:t2: