Donald Trump Jr. book sales reportedly goosed by bulk purchases "close to the author"

I wouldn’t get too smug. I am sure that there will be enough legitimate sales to put this on the best-seller list until Christmas–remember how Ivanka’s clothing line or whatever sold like hotcakes? These are perfect gifts for Dad’s and Grandpas whose loved ones don’t know what else to get them. Rush Limbaugh and the guy who got kicked off Fox news and now writes speculative fiction about historical characters also have a ton of books a lot of people buy but nobody bothers to read.


Twin-tipped black Fred Perry polo shirts became the de facto uniform of far-right street thugs in the U.S. thanks to the Proud Boys. Fred Perry’s corporate response to this is deeply lacking in conviction.

They let a “bulk purchaser” turn a classic UK design into something impossible to wear in public in America–all because they can’t bring themselves to say no to a customer.

It’s telling because that’s what Fred Perry used to be associated with in the UK, too, but got past thanks to many years of advertising campaigns and cutivating new markets. Decades of work. That they’d tolerate association with the far right after all that is a grim reminder that the only thing companies care about is the next fiscal quarter.


I am reminded of what was left over when Borders closed down.

I remember someone got my grandfather a Rush Limbaugh book. This would’ve been early, mid-1990s. I know for a fact he would’ve been fine with a nice cardigan.

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Awwwww just like daddy’s book.

Not surprised, manufactured false consensus is a wool pulling technique they’ve used for years to sweep up the less thinking sheeple.


Hynkels “mein krampf” comes to mind…



And Scientology.


This also happens with corporate CEO books. The company buys a ton to have on hand as giveaways to management, job applicants, politicians, golfing buddies, etc. The CEO gets some extra income and a best seller.


I had thought it was Junior using the company’s funds to do the bulk-buy.
But, if it’s the RNC actually doing it, that makes much more sense.

Trump Sr reminds me of Rab C. Nesbitt. I feel like that comparison is an insult to Rab though.

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Daggers? :smiling_imp:


It’s required reading at Trump University.

guillotines, but not like one normally receives a gift.

as for bad children getting trump jr’s book as punishment I beg Santa not to do that because it will just make bad kids more bad… or worst, it will inspire them to write political businessical nonsensical biographies.


Or, perhaps, good kids being given the book for some spirited, rotten tomato target practice?

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