Donald Trump, Jr. mocks Hunter Biden's struggle with addiction

The saddest reality I can currently contemplate is that Glenn Beck… is.

Ethics regulations apply to those who hold public office.

Which ethics regulations would preclude the son of a Vice President from accepting a job offer overseas? He was an adult and a private citizen.


Honestly I doubt this is even really that weird. It feels like people sharing grief ending up hooking up is sort of a known phenomenon? I made out with a person I probably shouldn’t have shortly after a parent’s death. Since I’ve never had a sibling or a spouse die young I’m not going to jump up and judge other peoples’ ways of working through grief.

I mean, they start dating because they both miss the same person and then later break up when they realize they only reason they were together was their shared grief? How is that an object of criticism in the first place, unless we just generally regard emotion with contempt?

I think it’s right that we raise our eyebrows at companies who might be under criminal investigations hiring family members of people who may have the power to affect those investigations. What I really don’t love is that when the Republican president is committing serious crimes with huge swaths of documentation, Republicans (who say in private they think the president is a crook) try to use a raised eyebrow to deflect from that, as if: 1) these things were equivalent; and 2) it would even matter if they were.


The theory I have hears is that Burisma was trying to make themselves appear more legit by having recognizable names on their board. No question it looked bad. And Hunter showed poor judgement. But even the Republican lead Senate committee looking into it could not come up with anything worse than that. Time that line of attack was dropped. It won’t be, and ignorant people will continue to buy into it, but it is not a real thing. According to the Republicans. Not a thing.


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