Originally published at: Donald Trump lashes out at Laura Ingraham after her 'hit piece' on poll numbers: "There go her ratings!" | Boing Boing
Man, this is one of those times when the content of the surrounding news story is just light enough to allow me to audibly chuckle at Trump’s “middle school meangirl from 1994” style of posting.
i just picture him dictating this post to some hapless underling. we all know he can’t spell DeSanctimonious.
I would rejoice that DumpsterFire was running behind Biden, but knowing that DeShit is slightly ahead of Biden really lets the air out of my celebration balloon.
The “…among 500 people in Arizona” was encouraging at least.
He truly believes that others share his childish obsession with ratings as the be-all and end-all of existence.
He really is thrashing around like a freshly-hooked minnow.
I’d find it funny if he were less of a threat.
Lock him up soon, please.
“Donald, stop trying to make DeSanctimonious happen. It’s not going to happen!”
This poll seems manufactured to reinforce a pre-determined talking point.
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