Donald Trump on whether his Muslim database plan is Nazi-inspired: "You tell me"

You insensitive clod… Picking on marginalized critters and associating them with weasels.


It has to be some Performance Art thing.
Teaching us about the basest nature of Humanity or something.
It has to be.

EDIT: okay, so, others in this thread have also said this. I think it becoming obvious. Trump_ is America’s Ai Weiwei.

EDIT2: No. I’m not letting your do that annoying quote thing to his name. It’s an old, old joke now.

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Ooooooh, I think even the Chinese Communist Party might ask you to apologize for that one…


Oy vey! Again, y’all, read IBM and the Holocaust.

[journalistic wankery intensifies]
Seriously. This is BS. The ‘Muslim database plan’ is NBC’s, not Trump’s.


Didn’t Andy Kaufman “die” right around the time Trump started getting lots of attention?


But Trump assures me they will be a really classy shade of yellow…


You could use an off the shelf LAMP stack to track 100 million or so records but I am sure IBM or another government contractor would spin it into a 1 billion USD programme.


The thing that makes Trump even scarier to me is that I feel like he could be “accidental” gas chamber guy. Like, one day he just turns around and thinks, “holy shit, I totally got gas chambers set up for those people,” then he turns around and goes back to eating his breakfast. I don’t feel like he has some plan where all of this happens. I feel like Hitler had a plan. Trump is like a really fucked up Rorschach test that always gets U.S. society to answer from the darkest, most shriveled, fucked up portion of its soul.


The people Trump is speaking to know what he’s talking about, and we’re not fooled either. Trump is controlling the Republican side of the debate and the other candidates are having to change their language because it wasn’t xenophobic enough before. Trump has risen in the polls for having a hardline stance on immigration, and people can fill in the blanks without him having to be explicit.


He’s always reminded me of someone else:


But really, at this point I wouldn’t feel at all bad if he took one of these to the face:

Seeing as he’s a fucking nazi, and admits it.


I think it’s as you imply: absolute power corrupts absolutely. In Trump’s case, it’s chaotic evil, where a portion of the evil is eating itself, and it’s doing literally anything to retain power and increase it, rather than the methodical, plodding lawful evil that we are used to.


Obligatory whenever LaBoeuf is invoked:



Well, small government when it comes to the economy and taxes. Big government when it comes to surveillance and the use of force.


You know what all the psychologists say? If someone is suffering from delusions, the worst thing you can do is reinforce their delusions. You can’t make them believe their delusions are correct. Otherwise you risk harming them further. And the help you can do while playing along only serves to weaken their grip on reality.

Donald trump demonstrates a profound disconnection from reality, much the same as Ben Carson. These two need profound psychiatric help. Any appeal to evidence (the lowest standard for what is and isn’t true, the highest being continuously replicated evidence, like sun rises, and actual data) will glance off their egos. They need to run up against reality. But they haven’t in far too long. Due to either their money or specific skills. Electing them is not unlike electing George W. Bush for a third term.


It’s interesting you make this connection, because I just had a conversation about Carson yesterday with a friend who is a psychiatrist. She thinks he’s sweet and intelligent and has no concept that he has ever said anything remotely wacky or provably untrue. Her only concern is that he won’t get the nomination because Trump is polling higher. This is not the first time I’ve looked at her quizzically because i truly do not understand how a highly educated person can be that insulated from reality. She had never heard about Carson’s grain pyramid claims, for example. How does someone like that learn only a very specific sliver of information about a political candidate? I’m pretty sure she’s a Fox News watcher, but I doubt if she’s at the Rush or WND level of belief. Yet somehow she has learned just enough to know that Trump is too far into the deep end but Carson is fine.


Her, or him? (or both?)