Originally published at: Donald Trump promises to round up the news media in dramatic "final battle" ad (video) | Boing Boing
He almost mentioned gas chambers.
Is this worth making a twitter account to see?
Ah, yes, “rounding up.” A phrase that has no connotations of genocide or political violence, nosiree.
He said, back-to-back, with no sense of irony or hypocrisy.
Apparently, he thinks that all the MAGAts praising the Hitler quote over the past couple of weeks haven’t been clear enough about their movement’s intentions.
Hoping someday soon only his prison guards have to put up with his rantings.
Jesus fucking christ
i wish that was a video of him walking to the counter at the jail to turn over his personal effects and pick up his jumpsuit and flip flops. i imagine it would look a lot like this.
He’s fighting imaginary enemies, based on his paranoid fantasies, and if he gets back into office, he would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons against his own country, on “the liberal cities”.
The man is clearly an asshole, no need to bring any mental health issues into this - it makes those of us who do have issues into problems. Don’t do that.
That is some straight up, no pussyfooting around, pure uncut fascist rhetoric right there. As a neighbour I sincerely hope you lock him up, or at least lock him out of the hallways of power.
You are already on your second chance to save your country. I don’t think you’ll get a third.
I think he might have actually said “routing,” but overall the fascism was pretty clear either way.
He’s a narcissist, a bully and a fascist - that’s why he acts this way. What he calls his “enemies” is anyone who disagree with him (i.e. fail to sufficiently support him) on ideological, ethical or personal grounds - they’re very real, it’s just that his response is that of a narcissistic, bullying fascist.
“We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country…” So the republican party.
Are any of the Republican candidates not openly talking about committing atrocities?
Someday we will finally be rid of this horrible man, unfortunately the damage he’s done will be with us a long long time.
I eagerly anticipate the court case where T**** claims that he meant “rounding up” as a mathematical concept, and the prosecution asks him to “round up” a series of numbers and - he fails.
Hey, come on! We have seen him routinely round up numbers to the nearest multiple of whatever he thinks would sound impressive.