Donald Trump says journalists who [legally] report leaked info should go to jail where they can get raped (video)

No, just that Trump thinks being raped is a bad thing. He plainly thinks raping is fine. All his “punchlines” are always how other people deserve worse than him.


I think he’s fine with he doing bad things. :blush:

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It happens at comedy clubs across America on a nightly basis, so… unsurprising that people would laugh at rape jokes.


someone’s gotta say it - so here we go

christ, what an asshole


It’s really remarkable how completely Trump lacks any and all positive qualities.

He’s immoral and corrupt, ignorant and incompetent, bigoted in just about every way, a cowardly bully and a petty blowhard, a liar, a cheat and a grifter, without charisma or eloquence or vision, a hollow man who doesn’t even love his family and who betrays everyone who works with or for him.

Without his wealth, he would be nothing. And even that fortune is inherited, a rentier’s empire exaggerated in value, adding no value to the society or the economy.

He’s a hollow parody of a real live human being, a net negative on the world, who keeps making everyone worse off as long as he draws another breath.


My sentiments, exactly; his (hopefully) imminent demise will be of no loss whatsoever to humanity.


It is said that Trump would have made more money by investing his inheritance in stocks instead of playing at being a real estate mogul and entrepreneurial genius.


Not just in stocks but in a set-it-and-forget-it no-fee S&P500 index fund. He would have literally had to do nothing over all those years to be wealthier than he is today, with none of the embarrassing business failures or grifts in his history.

The money defines Biff but he couldn’t even get that right.


There is absolutely no question about that. This is what makes the lie that he’s some sort of genius at business so galling. I’m not sure there’s ever been a bigger failure, particularly because he’s done it so many times, not just once or twice (anyone can fail once or twice).

(Had to walk away from my desk twice while I wrote that, now I owe @gracchus a Coke!)


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