Donald Trump suggests Hillary Clinton be shot to death for picking Supreme Court judges

I didn’t say they should. I said they shouldn’t be romanticized or looked to as models for how we should conduct ourselves in the 21st Century. By the standards of their day they were mostly decent men, but by modern standards they were monsters.


To me it sounded more like he was suggesting Clinton’s nominees be shot to death.

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That’s how I heard it, too, and why I was so incensed when he said it.

Suggesting assassination of a presidential candidate is reprehensible enough, but suggesting assassination of the judiciary is Stalin-level authoritarianism. Trump always struck me as a Little League thug wishing he could go pro, but that comment made me realize that even this characterization was optimistic.


Role models are very rarely complete packages. When we venerate the Founding Fathers it’s for the political virtues and courage they represent, not for the totality of all their qualities as men.

If somebody says he admires MLK you don’t assume that means he wants to cheat on his wife. Hell, even the Buddha probably got on people’s nerves sometimes with all that unflappable serenity.

But as I said, derailing. This thread is not about a man with any discernible virtues.




I just want to point out that the Campaign for America’s Future has held an annual “Take Back America” conference since about 2001. I have seen almost every major Democratic politician standing at the TBA podium. And I mean pretty much anyone who is anyone on the left speaking there. I’ll link to Obama for one, But Hillary has spoken at this conference at least 3 times that I know of. ( The funniest was seeing Al Sharpton on MSNBC decrying the use of 'take back America" and stating that he’s never heard this type of language used before against an America president. The implication that it was racist and exclusively used against Obama. It only took me 2 minutes to find a picture of him at the podium during the Bush years emblazoned with the words "Take Back America " on it to show what a lier he is.)

My point is this, this type of political lingo is standard form from both sides of the aisle. It usually is employed when one’s side does not control the white house. It’s standard fare.


I’d never heard of this, so thanks!

If Trump has a game plan for this election (beyond making headlines), he’s very subtle about it


We’re talking about Santorum, right?


A lot of people have suggested this was always about strengthening his “brand”. If that’s really his plan then I’d say he’s simply doing what he’s done his entire life: he gathers supporters, fails to give them anything he’s promised, and simply moves on with no concern for how many lives he’s wrecked.


Has anybody ever run a con so publicly before?

It’s totally surreal


Total Charlie Foxtrot.


The Buddha abandoned his wife and newborn child to walk the earth. Seriously. It is canonical. He even named his child “fetter.”


Not knowing shit about scripture, did he make it up to them afterwards? Or did he transcend or whatever while still being a deadbeat dad?

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His wife eventually became a nun (when he allowed women to do so after his cousin asked for them) and his son became a monk.

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That sounds a lot like a no to me, but I’m almost certainly missing some backstory. And at least he acknowledged them, anyway. So not the worst competitor in the “Religion’s Lousiest Dad” competition. :slight_smile:


That’d be quite the competition. I mean, I can think of three pretty horrible examples that’d each be pretty hard to beat just in Judeo-Christian scripture, and I’m pretty sure the Greeks have stuff that are even worse.


Abraham willing to sacrifice Isaac is pretty bad but Kronos did some gnarly fucking activities. Look at this lunatic!

Dude. I know you are hungry but we have developed agriculture, check it out. Wheaties and shit. You could definitely get your face on the box.


On NPR a few days ago, they spoke to a former Secret Service agent who did Presidential detail and now works for a security firm. He said that the idea of a candidate who’s getting Secret Service protection making veiled threats against another candidate is unheard of. He said “I can’t even imagine how angry Director Clancy is right now, because the Secret Service is supposed to be apolitical. But this is forcing the agency to be involved in politics and take public steps to deal with Trump.” He feels that the Secret Service is just appalled at Trump and most definitely spoke to him on several occasions.


By you. I consider it accurate and your minimization does not make her earnestness into hyperbole. That’s just one mans head in the sand.