Donald Trump's MAGA army calls for violence over the internet: "War"

Looking at them I doubt even their bowel movements are well regulated


Why on Earth would “illegals” do that for them? That makes no sense even in the MAGA universe. (I know, I know, it never makes sense.)


I feel like violent insurrection and attempted overthrow of the government isn’t exactly a good culture fit for inclusion in the “nonviolent offender” category but… like… idk anymore what people will argue in this world at this point. In terms of this case he’s not accused of a violent crime I guess so that tracks? It’s wild to think how quickly we got from this to here and just how little some seemed to learn from that shitshow.

This case is just one piece in a nasty puzzle but holy crap I hope most of us make it through November (including the witnesses, court employees, and jurors).


There’s certainly at least some overlap there, but “mob” is kind of vague - you can theoretically have non-violent mobs - and certainly mobs that don’t engage in terrorism - and a stochastic terror group is distributed, whereas a mob at least implies a gathering of people.


But those aren’t what THIS case was about. This case was about business records. Of course he is about the exact opposite of contrite about his crimes.

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Totally! That’s why I wrote that next part too! I do this thing a lot where I say both things as I process it all and then realize how empty and pointless communication is online and kind of zone out for a minute and then try to come to terms with reality as fast as I can but… usually fail… tbh. I think it’s because it’s all just really been too much to comprehend.


And that is why is is such a pity that he and his legal team have managed to drag the other cases out until after the election.


Those pending prosecutions can be considered during sentencing, though, so still relevant.


MAGA mob. I’m going with it.

@Shuck thanks for the pedantry but I think in this case there is context. No one thinks a MAGA mob is there to do a choreographed dance.


So most, but not all?
I look forward to reading about the prosecutions of those few that didn’t fall short of the legal standard.


Business records he altered in order to deceive people by pretending he wasn’t who he claimed to be in order to subvert the election. To essentially overthrow democracy. If nothing else (and there’s lots else) while he claims to have donated portions of his presidential salary, he seems to have pocketed most of it. If he only took a quarter of the 1.6 million of the salary, he still made 400k. Do you feel someone who falsifies records in order to obtain 400k does not deserve jail time?


If anything, that should be a serious aggravating circumstance.


I’d believe they were weaponisable.


Well, they are all about the same shape… none of them missed second breakfast,


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