Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/09/trump-tweets-that-buffalo-prot.html
The president is nuts.
“Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”
never underestimate his propensity for political self-destruction. hopefully, the devil takes him soon…
Also a lie to support his contention that antifa is a “terrorist organisation” (it is neither). The regime continues preparations for consolidation of power should it get a second term.
At 75, Martin Gugino would remember actual Nazis firsthand, or at least the devastation they left behind. It makes sense he’d be antifa. What doesn’t make sense is 73 year old Donald Trump being a fascist.
Devil take him? The devil took him years ago and is wearing him like the cheap suits he wears. That’s the only possible explanation.
Every day in Washington it’s worse than a B-roll of Jersey Housewives mashed up with Jerry Springer re-runs.
Programming for idiots.
And now people are going to send death threats to the victim. Delete Trump’s Twitter account.
Is Twitter going to fact check and flag this tweet like it did the other one? Or have they just given up and wriggled themselves deeper into his slime?
OANN makes Breitbart look like a paper of record.
No wonder Don jr was rumored to be trying to round up investors to buy it.
25th amendment time?
Not sure if deranged/senile or grasping for straws for a distraction from the stock market being nuked over yesterday’s recession news
Sadly it makes complete sense when you consider that perhaps all Nazis weren’t killed or captured.
Trump is terrified by the fact that there’s a video of a white elderly man being treated like that. A lot of his less extreme supporters never gave a shit about police brutality because “yea, it’s bad but can’t happen to me”. Show them that cops are indeed 100% racists, but also trained (and possibly drugged) to behave as 100% psychopaths with anyone, and see his approval rates plummet.
BTW, there’s another one video around showing an old man walking with a cane being beaten by cops, then that girl that resisted being groped and got badly beaten, etc. TV stations should group all of them, makes sure they’re legit (remember: one fake video makes all of them fake for a biased mind) then show them all.
Could be, appearing, could be.
I am watching, too. Is pushing divisive garbage.
Will Trump also fall harder than expected?
This is targeted harassment. Twitter absolutely needs to take this tweet down. And delete Trump’s account, though I’m not holding my breath for that.
I hold this truth to be self-evident for the whole 45th presidency.
These people are not bound by reality, and trouble themselves not a moment about inventing a narrative out of whole cloth to justify whatever they want. This is why we should be worried about November.