Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/01/trump-cowered-in-white-house-b.html
Like all bullies, he’s a poltroon at his rotten core.
Aww Donald, don’t be afraid. Those aren’t protestors, those are good citizens, there to help you reap that enormous crop of fear, bigotry, and division you’ve been sowing.
+1000 internet points for use of the word “poltroon”.
But… At the same time, there’s also always the possibility of a false flag action here to “provoke” the “Racial War”
as much as I would like to believe he was “afraid” don’t forget he is a sociopath, he doesn’t feel that way, this was a game for him, I’d even bet it was his idea to “go play”
I mean the man does -nothing- all day but watch television, it’s been documented, this is all a game to him, pit people against each other and profit.
It’s the freaking hunger games. We’re not making it to November.
You’re saying that Trump is pretending to be afraid in order to push his army of Hawaiian-shirted ammosexual cosplayers into violent action?
This is the same man who refuses to wear a mask to public appearances in the middle of a pandemic because he thinks it makes him look weak. Not buying it.
I don’t think he was scared, but I do think he is angry that he now looks weak. that’s why he wants to make antifa a terrorist organisation (it isn’t an organisation), and in the process make thought crime illegal.
He was scared
Well, at least he gets to claim that he got bigger crowds than Obama.
Is it not more likely that an over-sensitive and over-protective Secret Service decided he should go to the hidey place? Unless, of course, they are subtly trying to undermine him by setting out to do legitimate things that tend to make him look like a pants-wetter? (I can dream!)

I don’t think he was scared, but I do think he is angry that he now looks weak.
Come on man! Turning out the WH lights so that the Secret Service can use their night scopes and sniper rifles on protestors, no that’s strength man! /XLs

that’s why he wants to make antifa a terrorist organisation
Antifa will be to Trump what communists were to Joseph McCarthy. By November there will be antifa under every bed and behind every tree.
The secret service aren’t secretly antifa. They are cops… ACAB.
good. they should be scared.
SInce his tweets continued, I assume he was actually cowering in a basement toilet.
I keep getting all theses ads when reading Spanish news websites, I thought that I may as well recycle them.
I have friends in DC and they’re saying (and i don’t know if its true) that cellphones were being jammed. I haven’t seen it and other details that were posted on our Discord reported anywhere so not sure if true so i’m going to refrain from reposting the details in case its disinformation.
They may very well be doing exactly that. Remember when he walked out of the white house, into his limo, and all the way to Air Force One with a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe? You think at least ONE person would have noticed and said something? The fact that no one did speaks volumes.