Donald Trump's still running, but the campaign's over

Just hold on, for two more weeks…


And maybe we’re not giving the guy with the bucket enough credit for experience.


I can definitely see Donald Trump, Jr., making a go at stepping into his father’s shoes.


Why not, he seems like he can’t come up with anything original in his life. I’m kind of surprised he doesn’t have three marriages already.


I don’t think it’s too tinfoil to speculate that the areas of these supposed misjudgements is no accident; it was a president after all who coined the term ‘military-industrial complex’.

Cast your mind back to what old Smedley Butler had to say about it all.


Ike was certainly right and he knew better than anybody.

The status quo is a Congress that keeps military budgets up since the military’s the only acceptable form of socialism to the GOP, and it’s a rare kind of welfare both sides of the aisle can agree on, they love using the military as a make-work program, support weapon systems to keep defense contractor money flowing, and work hard to keep bases in the US open since they draw in government dollars.

The status quo is a State dep’t that loves to authorize selling weapons systems to virtually anyone who’ll buy regardless of their plans, and loves to help out in conflicts by shipping rebels weapons. Presidents have a habit of dropping (remarkably expensive) bombs and using costly high tech flying death robots with eve more expensive infrastructure in conflict areas.

In the US both parties are beholden to the defense industry, and that’s the status quo for anyone who can get ~%50 of the vote, since political parties are also a racket, and the electoral system and Constitution enforce the damaged system.

This is a perverse state of affairs, but there are still some presidents who are worse than others, and some lines that can be drawn for trends (and foreign policy is more than just who you bomb/invade). AFAIK, Reagan was the last to sell weapons to both sides of a hot (selling some secretly/illegally selling them to Iran). Bill Clinton cut defense spending, Bush massively boosted it and got separate funding for two wars in his binge of global violence, Obama’s managed to cut defense spending again, though only in a hideous way through sequestration. And we’re hosed since Clinton and Trump both want to increase defense spending, the former’s embedded in the military industrial complex, while the latter would be an easy target for their scams.

Even if the US managed to get a Sanders-type elected, the Congress has at least as large a role as the WH in propping up the Military-Industrial complex, and are almost completely beholden to the defense industry. Fixing that’s less likely than getting a universal single-payer healthcare system or reducing the SSI retirement age which would both be much easier.

And to the original point, even if many things suck about both and the system in general, there are still meaningful metrics to judge candidates (and parties) by that matter enough that there are good reasons to want to stop the one promising shocking evils even if it means supporting the other and participating in a morally compromised system.


I can’t help thinking that when a guy like Carter gets elected, some shady type takes him aside and says, remember what happened to JFK…


I vote so I can get the right to complain.



Wouldn’t make it past the primaries in a million years.


The fact that you would flag such comments while using the same rhetorical devices yourself shows that you are very interested in creating a moderator enforced echo chamber. That’s some dirty, underhanded stuff, man. Not the only thread I’ve seen it in either. People literally telling this person they are not adult, etc., etc., and you decide to point this comment out as an example of why that person is flagged.



Ooh! Ooh! Lateral thinking puzzles!

  • We didn’t mention that both candidates had a nasty case of food poisoning, but only one had the foresight to bring a bucket. The other one shat on the floor.
  • The non-shitting candidate put laxatives on his opponent’s coffee and everyone knew it.
  • Like any good lateral thinking puzzle, we left out a great deal of information. The non-shitting candidate could be so much worse than the other guy on so many levels, but we won’t tell you. Or the job interview takes place in an isolated culture in Papua New Guinea where the defecation ritual is held in highest esteem


Well, look at him! He’s practically Hitler’s clone!



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