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I had the same teacher. I read it first when I was in tenth grade. Like my teacher, I was also of the Reaganite bent (it was the rural south, so everyone was). She taught it as anti communist, but I had a really hard time squaring what I read with what she said. My classmates thought I was making jokes and being disruptive when I challenged my teacher on her interpretation. They all very clearly saw the book as supporting their worldview. It was very bizarre. Looking back, reading that book was one of the first steps toward rejecting what I’d been taught and thinking for myself.


Come my children and crack a can
While I tell you the story of Kellyanne
In two thousand and seventeen
Public face of the Trump machine
During the heroic Muslim ban.

You all remember the Librul grief
When Trump became Commander in Chief
And the world erupted in disbelief.
Francois Hollande said “Quel cauchemar!”
Malcolm Turnbull went out to a bar
Angela Merkel just said “Wahnsinn,
But at least the Free World Leader is now
Die Deutsche Bundeskanzlerin!”
Theresa May threw a bit of a cow
Justin Trudeau just asked “What now?”
People said Putin was full of joy
What he really said was “Боже мой!”
For President Putin is always polite
His bark is much less than his powerful bite
And be sure of this, when it comes to Vlad
You never will hear him come out with “блядь!”
But the Muslims did what Muslims do
And drilled in militias, two by two
And they couldn’t be stopped, because you know
Nobody thought all those years ago
That the Second Amendment should exclude
All of that Muslim multitude.
To Bannon an answer occurred at last;
Send them back where they came from fast.
But the armaments industry started to fret
Because the policy might upset
Muslim states which it seemed were ones
That bought a lot of American guns.
So the plot developed and soon spread wide
Over the Kentucky countryside
Where every Muslim village and farm
Was poised to do America harm.
And thus it was on the 5th of December -
or maybe June, I don’t remember
A thousand Muslims, or then again
It might be fifty, it might be ten
Or one or zero or in between
Proposed to meet at Bowling Green
And it might be bomb and it might be shoot
-I don’t remember- or pelt with fruit
Or anyway something both foul and obscene
That might destroy or upset the town
And thus would they bring the President down.

You know the rest from the tweets you read
How the fields were strewn with the Kentucky dead
When the evil Muslims fired and fled
And Kellyanne answered them ball for ball
As the Trumpists arose at Bannon’s call
And the POTUS tweeted cries of defiance
At tech and libruls and arts and science
With so-called judges in strange alliance…

Well, the massacre never happened at all.

[edit - Creative Commons Licence for what it’s worth].


Someone needs to explain to me how Frederick Douglass got mixed-up in this whole situation. :dizzy_face:

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Only for businesses.

The Bowling Green Massacree.


Orwell was a socialist.

Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.


But wait, there’s more…

Six men, two men eight men down?
No one knows in Bowling Green
President is just a clown
Say the dead of Bowling Green

Were they women were they men?
Take your pick in Bowling Green
Lock the borders up again
Build a wall ‘round Bowling Green

Facts are fiction, fiction lies
We remember Bowling Green
Glad the dead are still alive
Truth is dead in Bowling Green


As great as this is in eight months it’ll be part of a copy pasta email sent by your racist aunt about how the liberal elite lie in order to fund their gay agenda.


Not everyone…


But they’ll never get past “Ingsoc = English Socialism,” just like they can’t get past “Nazi = National Socialist.” They have it fixed that every totalitarian leader in history came from the left, and therefore they’re safe to give the Republican Party a free pass on constitutional overreach.


And Animal Farm is a thinly veiled allegory about the evils of PETA!


What I can’t understand is how they can believe that authoritarian governments can lie about everything except being socialist. It’s kind of like how some people believe that cops can’t lie about being cops.


What’s the name of the book ??

Also, i got Brave New World instead of 1984, but it was really brief because the class was too rowdy, we didn’t get to finish it :pensive:

And surely the problem wasn’t the NATIONALIST part…


The president* had to give a speech to kick off Black History Month. I’d imagine his staff gave him a short list of famous African-Americans’ names to invoke, some of which were unfamiliar to him. He then gave them some empty praise, not knowing or caring if they were alive or dead or what “amazing job” they did or are doing.

The closest way I can describe this to a normal person is to ask him to imagine an incurious and reluctant 10-year-old having to present a book report in front of the class: he doesn’t read the book, just picks out the main characters’ names and talks vaguely about the great and heroic things they do in the novel. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the leader of what’s left of the free world.

It’s called “The Alteration” (which refers to the alternate history as well as other things). Amis has some fun with what would have become of famous modern figures in a Europe run by a totalitarian Catholic Church (my favourites: Monsignors Henricus and Laurentius).


Alabama Christianist Union.

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Physical copies have been selling out on amazon. May need to print your own.

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Well, to be fair, in the 80s the Communists WERE all authoritarian. Though yes, one could theoretically have a communist country that isn’t. Though I don’t think that is possible unless you made a country that everyone MOVED to, to willing embrace how everything was run.

As for 1984, a novel that is one of my favorites, and I should really re-read some time, I posted on my FB:

“1984 was a warning, not a manual.” and it got lots of likes.

I’m trending!


The main Project Gutenberg site doesn’t have it yet, but you might be able to find a downloadable copy from a country with less restrictive public domain laws.

I think Project Gutenberg Australia has an HTML copy, which is enough to create an EPUB or MOBI ebook.