Donated "In God We Trust" posters will be hung in Texas public schools as required by new law

Just writing “In God we trust” in Arabic should be enough to trigger all the wannabe theocrats


State Sen. Bryan Hughes, a Republican co-author of the law, tweeted last week, “The national motto, In God We Trust, asserts our collective trust in a sovereign God.”

One of the most irritating things about conservative Christians is that they’re so arrogantly certain in their faith that they can’t even imagine the concept of people who don’t believe in their cosmology. In their eyes, all non-Christians MUST still believe in God and Satan, they just choose the latter. It’s sheer narcissism- if there are other people who genuinely believe in different deities or in no deities at all, that doesn’t help validate their viewpoint, and their egos can’t bear even the possibility of being wrong about anything, ever.


I assume the owner of the house doesn’t think they are pushing Islam…

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…especially since there is no official language for the U.S. they will have to let it stand. (Or maybe in Cyrillic.)

Forget Baphomet, Cybele will really get the Republicans raging

She’s probably the closest we have to a goddess of trans people.


What a peculiarly specific law :unamused:

Is this graft or just fecklessness? I feel like some clever artists could do some interesting stuff with their “donations.”

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Having read the frankly shockingly badly drafted text, I’d say that there’s a good argument they have to display each poster donated without limit and at the least they have to keep putting up posters donated so long as there is still a building in the school without a poster.


At a guess, it’s what happens when you put someone in a position of power because they’re agonisingly stupid.

Everyone has been to a wedding where some moron uncle rants stuff like this at you while you’re trying to get to the john. Texans are so impressed by that guy that they rear up on their hind legs and elect him senator.



This motto is, of course, false. Just who is this ‘we’?
A simple re-wording of the motto on our currency would be true, though:
‘In this god we trust’.

In any case, putting the name of a deity on money seems to be a bit disrespectful to that deity.
Think about just where do men keep their wallets? And their spare change…

I’ll be surprised if they don’t make it a felony offense. Gotta keep that pipeline to private prisons full, after all.

They aren’t against indoctrination. Just the wrong kind of indoctrination.



This is clearly anti-confederate, and probably wouldn’t fly in Texas.

I think the Hindu Elephant God Ganesha would also be a good one.

Aw, this is just “ceremonial deism.” Honest!


I feel as though Douglas Adams might have solved this for us some time ago, actually…

“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a torch (flashlight.)”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”


They thought of it. The law requires the us flag & texas flag images, but no other image or wording. The posters must be displayed conspicuously, too.

The malicious compliance way around this is to fix the paper posters to the fence right by the entrance; the weather & kids will take care of those. For plastic posters, affix them to the ground in front of the doors. The trampling of feet will erase them in short order. For metal posters, affix them to the wall and invite the art classes to use them as a canvas for a mural. Or let the shop class practice on sandblasting before putting them up.

The hive mind is brilliant!

From TX SB797:

United States national motto, “In God We Trust,”
must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto
a representation of the state flag
may not depict any words, images, or other information other than (the above)


I don’t see anything in this law saying the signs have to be hung front-side-out. Just saying, Texas educators….


Or right side up…


The law mandates the signs but only if they’re donated.

Is that because they recognize the government can’t put the signs up? Then how can they mandate it?

Is this their way (in their minds) to get around that pesky constitution?

Will anyone challenge this in the courts?