Dr. Phil is selling a tacky nightmare palace he owns

Had to google it.

Eclectic and even semi-psychedelic, it’s aesthetic is still much more pleasing to the eye than the monstrosity that is subject of this post.

Dr Phil’s house looks like something Tim Burton vomited up during a bad acid trip.

Meanwhile, the Madonna Inn looks fun; I’d love to stay there sometime.

I can’t deign to speak for the authors; personally, I wouldn’t care who owned that property or how much money they had or had not put into it - that shit is straight up hideous, even by ‘artsy-fartsy weirdo’ standards.


Madonna inn has whimsy with its garish. Place looks fun, like Disney, and I would stay there.

Dr. PhilHell has aggression and utter tactlessness with its garish. I do not want to set foot in there.

And here I thought Trump had the epitome of bad taste
I now have a new yardstick.

they aren’t real- theyre props or authentic parts with prop receivers. if they were real, they wouldn’t be California compliant. If you look up “CA compliant rifles”, they have weird modifications to comply with state laws.

Spent a night there on a road trip to LA and back via mostly the coast when the sprog was much younger. Totally worth it if you will be in the area.


Well, not yet!

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