Drive-in sex booths may be installed at Berlin's former airport

Well, this American did, but only because of the notion of drive-in sex booths. :slight_smile:

BTW: Could drive-in sex booths be just the sort of thing a German would think of? I’ve always been a bit fuzzy on the whole “Citizen of Country X would think of Thing Y” concept. :smiling_imp:

Hallo. :smiling_imp:


Meh. I’d prefer that there were facilitated routes to worker-owned cooperatives and unions for sex workers, rather than some bleak fencing, but hey.


I dunno, Verrichtungsbox isn’t all that cutesy, and actually has connotations more associated with “getting it over with” or “doing that job you gotta do”. Much like me going to the toilet is mein Notdurft verrichten. And it’s already an established term, though I imagine it will get a slew of nicknames like Fickboxen, Hurencarport, Sexbox and so on. Which ones are actually used remain to be seen.


Einfach die nächste freie mit dein Freier. Rein, rein und raus, und dann raus, die nächsten warten schon!


In Freiberg, it’s a misdemeanor.




sag doch einfach, wasses wirklich ist: ne “ficklaube”


Just for the record, Cologne and Bonn tested those in 2006, and this is when the term was coined, I think.

Guess why 2006.

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Amen to that. They did this(*) in the town I went to the university and the results were nasty: 3 dead hookers within a year.

But hey, you didn’t need to see the nasty heroin addicts, so it was a net win I guess /s

(*) By this I mean ‘Move the prostitution from a reasonably busy inner city street to a desolate industrial area on the outskirts of town.’


Slogan: “We’ll service your car and the people in it too!”

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How does that compare to the number of dead hookers you get in a “good” year?

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That echoes what’s happening here. But the people you need to be wary of are the sober ones on every street corner supplying in plain sight. Can’t count the number of times I’ve been asked on a “date” near the police department who I suspect are just maintaining disorder. The bus I used to avoid now has a bus stop in front of a brand new yuppie apartment that will soon multiply and drive everyone out of the area completely or at least further into the shadows.

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So many options.
Bumshütte, Nuttenschuppen, Fickvergnügungssichtschutzanlage, Nachtdienstgarage, Lustschloss, Reitstall, Verkehrszentrum, Vögelhaus.


Essiggurkenversteck (Pickle hiding house)


Service with a (forced) Smile!

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Uhm, zero in the previous 10 years, IRRC. Well, probably some O.D. deaths because apart from hookers they were also addicts. But no murders.

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Wow? “Nuttenschuppen”? Seriously? That’s N-word territory. Even Bild won’t get down to this level (except in quotes).

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Based on the recent Uber news, less and less. Lyft, however…

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Its all Werner Herzog’s fault for making German accents amusing again in a non threatening way.