Drums of War

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Seems to be a widespread pattern. One of the many infuriating things about the Republicans’ determination to kill the recent Ukraine/border security bill they originally insisted on is that it included provisions to help create a path for citizenship to Afghans who put themselves and their families at risk helping U.S. forces.


Speaking of Afghan refugees…

There are about 7,000 Afghans on the U.S. base(s) awaiting resettlement

Qatar Airways planes chartered by the U.S. government continued at a rate of one or two a week during the fall but stopped at the beginning of December amid a Taliban-Qatar dispute before resuming with one flight last week. Each flight carries about 300 people, and last week’s brought the total number of Afghans currently in the Doha facility to about 500.

Even two flights a week is too little, according to advocates who estimate that there are between 80,000 and 100,000 Special Immigrant Visa applicants alone still in the country. Some had been waiting for years for their applications to be processed but were unable to reach the airport during the chaotic, two-week U.S. withdrawal in August, when luck, rather than prior service or proper documentation, appeared to be the determining factor in who got on a U.S. evacuation flight.

Many are now in hiding across Afghanistan as the country plunges into famine and economic crisis and the Taliban and vigilantes continue to target those with ties to the United States. Thousands of others, including former civil servants, members of the U.S.-trained Afghan military, female activists and journalists are also at risk, advocates say.

They either make the transition to come into the US or volunteer to return. This article mentions deportation which is unfortunate but while they are in Qatar on US base(s) there is nobody willing to take responsibility for them. Refugees there have no health insurance and there is no legal system to govern them by. Those who commit crimes etc. forfeit their chance to get to the States and are presumably on the deportation fast track.

This article is old but the only thing that has changed is that the US Military has left the base. Washed their hands of it all together.


After Putin said that missiles launched from a Patriot air defence system shot down the Il-76 on 24 Jan, top Kremlin propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov warns that Russia could target Poland’s Rzeszow airbase, a stopover point for much of the Western military aid entering Ukraine

US drone strike kills Iran-backed militia leader in Baghdad

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