Drums of War

They don’t even have to hit it, to start a war. All they have to do is launch towards it now that they’ve announced it.

However, it’s likely that the USA will not be invading directly anytime soon. Most likely scenario is S. Korea invades with air and logistical support from the USA. Invasion after heavy bombing of military targets, of course. North Korea might get one nuclear bomb into the Seoul area. Not advocating, just thinking about scenarios.

Best scenario? We find leverage over China to stop using North Korean slaves, somehow arm North Korean citizens and they start their own insurrection. Not likely, though.


to start a war to provide the US with an excuse to start a war.


All wars are excuses for having failed everything else.


The potential for renewed conflict with the DPRK is probably the most scenario planned situation since the fall of the USSR. By all publicly known information, despite whatever intelligence SK & the US have put together on known and best guess locations of armaments, there is no scenario that doesn’t involve near certain loss of major population centers in east Asia. And thats without nukes.

The DPRK is just too hard a target by air, land or sea. Too much armament deep in mountainsides or far underground. Too much conventional artillery lined up at the border between the Koreas. Just can’t take enough of that out fast enough even with current air power. What remains will be enough to cause great damage.

Then theres the horrible loss of life that will result from conflict on land. Even if the DPRK troops & tanks are of far lower strength than that of SK & the US, sheer numbers and will to fight matter.

Or as often quoted war is an extension of politics.


Because that always turns out well…

There are literally no good options here.


None. The best we can hope for is for China to lean on them. Another stupid war is the last damn thing anybody needs.


Speaking of war, this just hit my news feed.

Someone please explain to me how this is even remotely a good idea?


There is a certain strange logic to it. Given that the ANA has had

  • long running issues on training, troops going AWOL
  • lack of air support as described in article and currently lacks a special forces component,

and that the US has an overarching goal of withdrawing its military from Afghanistan despite all the above, this idea has internal logic.

Not that I think this is a good idea, just I can see the possible reasoning. I personally think Machiavelli was 100% correct where he advised against depending on mercenaries.

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Oh look, Erik Prince is sporting the Richard Spencer/Amon Goeth Nazi Haircut. That’s not a coincidence.


I remember when Samantha Bee got a lot of shit pointing this out when one of those with Nazi hair had brain cancer… and, well, Nazi hair.


Haircuts are now fair game for political correctness?


tldr: “It’s unfortunate that lots of people left, right, and center have hair like this. It would be less scary if there were ideological uniforms so we could tell camps apart.”

Kind of clueless, IMO. See me rant yesterday about the left’s tendency to give up any symbol or word it feels is “tainted”, leaving the right to define discourse on their terms. Many seem to feel that that appropriation is a one-way street. Where are the strategists?

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It’s just that a popular hairstyle was also a popular hairstyle in Nazi Germany, and surprise surprise several prominent Nazi sympathizers have the popular haircut that Nazis also wore. The undercut was standard fair for the Wehrmacht.

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The Wehrmacht also wore black and red. By the same logic anyone wearing those colors, it can’t be a coincidence.


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I mean, that’s why Richard Spencer sports an undercut - but obviously you can’t apply that to everyone. That’s what makes it a good target for satirical news and commenting on, because it’s a humorous observation. When it lands in the never-ending editorial-o-sphere of news coverage it becomes yet another annoying news day drama.


or its just a BS distraction, trying to smear someone with appearance rather than facts?

Depends on the context.

If some actor or public figure who’s sort of conservative-ish sports an stylish undercut and the news gets obsessed with his hair, then it’s a silly BS distraction.

If multiple people who self-identify as Nazis intentionally cut their hair in Nazi-esque styles and other people with strong ultra-right-wing white-supremacist opinions have a similar hairstyle, then it’s likely also intentional.


I mean, it’s literally a popular Nazi haircut that is also popular with modern day Nazis. Since I’m literally critical of people using it against another, but admitting that there is a legitimate historical association that is the root of the jokes and memes which spearheaded the news coverage that I was (again) critical of isn’t absurd.

So no, it’s not complete bullshit. Yes, it’s a boring money-grab through drumming up internet drama - which probably qualifies as a distraction. And it’s based on truth that is then spread without any logical rigor to a greater population, but the publications making either the “Prince has Nazi hair” articles or the much more severe in tone “THE LEFT THINKS PRINCE IS A NAZI WHEN HE’S A GOOD BOY” reaction articles are not exactly known for their objectivity.