Drunk Hot Yoga teacher “exposed newly augmented breasts” to teen boys at bar mitzvah

That doesn’t mean we need to encourage old traditions to remain.

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Holy FUCK, are you kidding me, here? This is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.


There is no “good kind”. It’s all rape. Adults should not be raping children.

Edit: Also rather interesting that you seem to think a grown woman raping a boy (child) is good, but a grown man raping a boy is “bad”.


Ah, Marilove, I’ve missed ya.

your internet usage policy?

“your” as in “the one that applies to you, whether you have chosen it or not.”

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Only if you’re over the age of consent and have been drinking.

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Sadly there are quite a few hundreds’ of years of history in these and other parts of the world working against that ideal.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop striving for ideals. It means we should understand why and that opposing views exist and be understanding of people who are steeped in them.

How do I “seem to say” the second half? Do I need to explicitly declare that investigative skepticism should not be applied on a sexist basis?

No, I’m not kidding. Supposedly, bar and bat mitzvah are rituals of initiation into adulthood, self-responsibility. If this doesn’t apply to them, they aren’t ready for such a ceremony. If they are, their choices and accountability need to be respected.

I wish I could say that I was surprised that people could reach some arbitrary benchmark of maturity and still be condescended to by the state, but I am not surprised. Nobody is ever old enough to be emancipated from their double-standards.

It’s hard enough for kids to get laid without people criminalizing consensual acts and robbing them of their agency.


If you don’t mind saying, who’s doing the blocking there?

But do you wish it was done by someone the age of your mom or by the hot girl in high school that you had a crush on?
(consider this guy who had “consensual” sex with his teacher and realized why it sucked)

Or how about if you were going steady and felt committed to someone and then were forced to have sex with someone you had no attraction to?

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I’m pretty sure I’m wrong at least sometimes, I ain’t go no problem with that. But I am 100% confident in my statements here. Ugh, the fact that people are debating whether this is rape or not is making me sick. For the record, I had something similar happen to me around that age (by a young woman in her early 20’s) and it was all sorts of fucked up, even if I wouldn’t consider myself particularly traumatized by it. It still wasn’t okay. I was way too young to know what was going on. Christ. This entire comment thread is fucked up.


Oh my god, you are wrong with a side helping of wrongness.

You might want to listen to some men who’ve experienced sexual perpetration from older people before you just spout off like that. I suggest Richard Jefferey Newman’s occasional posts on being an adult male survivor at “Alas, A Blog.”



The whole trope of “boys would be thrilled to be introduced to sex!” is a big part of the problem.


I don’t know why we can’t all just accept that ADULTS SHOULD NOT BE RAPING CHILDREN

Adults should fucking know better. Yes, there is some room for debate when ages get closer together (16 and 18), but this is not one of those times. ADDITIONALLY, while it would be nice that breasts weren’t so overtly sexualized the reality is that they are. These things don’t happen in a vacuum. Not to mention that it wasn’t just that she showed them her breasts.

Ugh, so many comments here are completely ignoring reality, and the context in which this shit happens.

Also, you cannot stand here as an adult and claim you totally would have been okay with something like this to happening to you as a child. You don’t know that. You’re just guessing, from your adult perspective. How is that logical or rational?

And it doesn’t just suddenly make it okay because there are some adults who are now able to process what happened to them but have decided for themselves that it wasn’t particularly harmful. That doesn’t just suddenly make it okay. Humans are pretty resilient and adaptable so it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise that some people will be effected differently. There is a lot of other context that goes into whether or not something like this has lasting effects.

It’s still never okay thing for an adult to rape a child. Period.



I agree?

Were you meaning to reply to me here??

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Sorry, I should have made it more clear that I was responding to several other (likely straight dudes) in the comments above, and as a general statement, and not to you directly, Elusis. This shit really gets under my skin.

(Another general comment):

And in before “gosh, calm down” statements: Yeah, no shit the subject of raping children is an emotional one for me. The fact that it isn’t for you isn’t a good thing.


I think you should also be excused on the grounds of the lede being buried. Maybe Cory and Xeni should get together to average out their headlines.


That and the blowjob.

Comparing actual sexual assault to being exposed to breasts goes quite far into false equivalence, I’d say. As somebody who has experienced sexual assault by men and women (not at the same time), I think that consent is everything, and part of the inviolate nature of it is that nobody can take it away from you. For the same reason that one cannot ethically force oneself on another, an outsider cannot “revoke” the consent given by others. Obscuring given consent with louder claims of (other people’s!) rape serves to emotionally cloud issues and victimize people. There is a huge double standard of knowing that there is a need to teach children about sexual consent - but then deprive them of it. The solution to people making poor decisions is education, not ignorance.

The idea that young people are somehow “sexualized” (made sexual) rather than acknowledging that they are already sexual naturally seems to be a fairly recent development. I think that the underpinnings of this are largely ideological, and results in legislation which deliberately ignores and denies normal, healthy development in preference of cultivating it’s own artificial system of ethics. Of course, this article does not reflect a healthy example, but when people are denied the healthy option - the unhealthy alternative becomes all they have. If children’s sexual play was accepted and facilitated in safe environments then drunken indiscretions and predation lose their purpose. The only reason these things happen is a lack of openness about sexual development in the first place. Kids do exhibit sexual behaviors, and not only boys. Yet, according to US law, even them masturbating is technically illegal in many jurisdictions. This has consequences.

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