Drunk mountain gorilla punches photographer, who got the shot

When I was in 4th grade our class got into discussion tangent with our phys-ed teacher. We were talking about the King-Kong movies and one boy said that KK must have just seen the human woman as a pet or little friend because KK’s ‘boner’ would never fit in the lady.

The P.E. teacher responded that human erections can, albeit, very rarely, be up to 13 inches long - and many women and even men can take these just fine, while most gorilla erections are 3 inches max - so maybe KK’s desire wasn’t so far-fetched.

The mother volunteering to help out was appalled and told Sister D. that bestiality is not an appropriate subject for P.E. class.

This is where me & the most of the rest of the class learned the term bestiality and what it was. Whenever we saw that volunteer mom after that day - we would whisper bestiality at her.


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