That’s small !? I mean, ya, I’ve always wondered…
So sensitive! Chiseled marble penis envy at work here.
" Dubai hides Michelangelo’s penis’
oooh are they having a scavenger hunt?
"Dubai hides Michelangelo’s penis’
Frankenstein was the doctor’s name
I mean there wasn’t much to hide anyway…
I just can’t understand what the problem is. There’s no female face nor hair anywhere on David.
Meanwhile in Dubai…
Maybe they think if they can suppress all penis art, they’ll avoid people making fun of their obvious phallus obsession. Or maybe they just don’t want to allow a phallus that’s more famous than theirs.
“Where’s Waldo?”
Fair enough really. Did anyone ask David if he wanted his cock out for hundreds of years?
/s, in case anyone missed it.
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