Dune logo unveiled at event; copyright claimants rush to remove it from the 'net

Something about that image says to me vagina(?)

Also, ask me, Sicario is teh sux!

Or don’t read the books. Herbert was a great world-builder, but not a very good writer.


Maybe a special promotion, only in Idaho?


It’s not even a new logo idea:

I like it even more if it derives from an older logotype.

The font Villeneuve has chosen bears strong resemblence to that used on the cover of the 2010 paperback version pub’ed by Ace.


Is that a copyrighted “Media not displayed image”? If it gets taken down, would the same image be used to indicate it has been removed? Will the resulting infinitely recursive takedown loop create a singularity that destroys the universe?


Yeah, it depends on what you want. Is a faithful adaptation of the novel? No. Lynch was doing his own thing as he generally does, and as usual, created something interesting but not quite coherent.


Like @ministry says, it is more about typesetting and typeface choice. I mostly read from an e-ink reader now, because I can change the line spacing and font size. Stress can also make reading and writing harder.

It is also worth remembering that dyslexia is a spectrum, I am at the low end of it but there are some pretty smart people out there who rely on audiobooks and text to speech software to get anything done. In the past they would be have been thrown on the social scrapheap as stupid.


Holy shit i should take it down.

On a side note imagine the fun somehow copyrighting a copyright notice.

That logo is an old one – on a hardback reissue of the book itself, I think

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My friend is one of the scrap heap victims and folks like that are why we need a robust social safety net. Every sperm is sacred (including if it grows into an adult with a medical diagnosis that makes it harder to exploit their labor)

Did… did this post get takedowned?



ETA: Can’t find it by searching the main site either.

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I sure hope no one posts the original image in the comments here.


That’s kind of an odd way of promoting a reboot to an old franchise.

Also, have these people never heard of Saint Barbara and her wrath?


FB’s Dune Sietchposting even changed the name to Dunc Sietchposting.

Have always considered Lynch’s rendition to be a sort of hallucinatory collage that makes plenty of sense - but only to those who’d already absorbed the novel in it’s full form. It’s a sort of paradox that arises in a lot of film-izations of complex works - can all the necessary context be developed along side creating a coherent piece of cinema? does it need to stand on its own - or just serve as an interpretation/inspired-by piece? Lynch seemed to take this jumping-off-point approach, but perhaps also internalized too much of the presumed context to make it coherent for unprepared audiences (also didn’t help that the studios made them cut huge chunks out). (The long version with the Princesses narration might have been slightly more coherent without the books as reference).

I was obsessed with the books as a teenager for a while, also played the board game (@spetrovits - didn’t know that has been re-issued, will have to check it out!).

Have high hopes for Villeneuve’s treatment - his film Arrival was epic. He seems like a great match what with the scholarly themes explored in Arrival, and the historical/socio-political/religous questions that Herbert deals with in the dune world.

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They really did need to release some form of original graphic for it for the internet to use, for it has been ridiculous that every time there is news about the new production it is accompanied by photos from the 1980’s movie, and so hopefully they would rectify that and supply some official default token promotional images for sites to use when reporting on it.