Dunkin Donuts releases new Spicy Ghost Pepper Donut, and actual humans are eating it

I forgot about that! That was good.

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I have had people who refuse to believe me when I tell them that chillis and ice cream work well together. The fat in the ice cream reduces the heat from the chilli, so jalepeno wouldn’t be that hot (not that jalepenos are that hot anymore, farmers haven’t been separating their crops properly and they have been cross-breeding with low/no heat peppers, so they are getting less hot with every generation.)

I can’t have ice cream any more (I go on a sugar binge if I eat it) but I always wanted to try some vanilla with sukari chopped up over it.



Right? People who don’t like spicy are going to avoid it. People who like ghost pepper spicy are going to be disappointed.


I’m a huge fan of chili chocolate, chili hot chocolate, and especially chili chocolate ice cream but vastly prefer it when they also include cinnamon.


Yeah, i mean it doesn’t need to be nuclear hot but certainly more spicy than what they actually made.

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