Originally published at: During police chase, salt truck driver sprayed cop car with salt | Boing Boing
I hope it’s true (except for the prisoner getting sprayed), but dashcam footage or it didn’t happen.
Q: " Now pay attention, 007. I want you to take great care of this equipment. There are one or two rather special accessories…"
Genius move. In a few years those cop cars will rust out and then they’ll have to stop chasing him.
They are going to book him on assalt charges.
“A salt spreader, which was engaged as it arrived at our location, threw salt onto (both police officers) and a prisoner that was being taken into custody at the time of the incident,” the officer said.
Prisoner? Shouldn’t they mean suspect?
You’re taking the story with a grain of salt?
He was merely throwing some salt over his (metaphorical) shoulder to keep the devil(s) at bay.
This seems like a very Vermonty story; I’m impressed it’s coming out of Cincinnati.
Salt Guy is probably about to meet Pepper Spray.
I bet that cop’s language was pretty sal
oh to heck with it
That police officer sounds salty.
Mmmmmm, Salted pork!
The slang is “pigs,” not “slugs.”
Not all heroes, yadda yadda
Not often police get condiments these days.
There is a chance it was an actual prisoner who was outside of his/her holding facility (for whatever reason). But yeah, suspect was probably what should have been used.