Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/26/duterte-backs-out-of-public-covid-vaccine-insisting-on-a-private-butt-shot-instead.html
Aww, what a big strong man (or strongman) he is!
It’s a shame so many fascists are in power in the world at the worst possible time.
Why the butt?? If he doesn’t want it in public, why not in private in the arm? If he doesn’t want to actually get vaccinated, why not simply claim that he got it in private without doing anything? Is this some kind of fetish thing?
Bullies are cowards.
But to be honest, it is never a good time for fascists to be in power.
But a crisis is especially bad, because they will (a) indulge in strongman posturing instead of pursuing real solutions and (b) exploit the crisis to harm their enemies.
For the last couple months I have been thinking it would be funny if the buttocks were standard procedure - and instead of the many of times you hear people on TV or the radio talking about shots “into arms” it was replaced with “into asses” as in, “we need to start pulling down pants and getting shots into asses.” Next time you hear someone say shots into arms I guarantee you will chuckle.
It seems obvious that he wants in the butt, so he can say he got the shot and not actually get the shot.
That gives a new meaning to Schrodinger’s Asshole.
What What
If he has an adverse reaction he’ll probably insist on taking fever meds as a suppository.
that’s what they called me in the National Guard
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