Originally published at: Real hermit descends from remote mountain cave for COVID-19 vaccine | Boing Boing
Looks to be nice digs and free at that.
See, libertarians. If you want to break free entirely of government and your responsibility to society, you can be like this guy. And he still went to get his vaccine! What a guy.
Now THAT is personal responsibility.
He seems to have a second home closer to ‘civilisation’ than his primary residence in the cave. What wealth!
OF COURSE he’s a drummer.
A drummer who lost his girlfriend, going by the drummer jokes I’ve heard.
Either that, or it’s because of the plastic waste.
Fake hermits are called fermits.
Even hermits have youtube channels now.
Yeah, but now that he’s vaccinated the government will be able to track him and know where he is! Also, he may be magnetic now.
Yeah. I don’t speak Russian but I’d bet money the first thing he said was “Hey guys!”
He’s lucky he doesn’t live in Florida. Besides making him a Florida Man the governor would have tried to stop him from getting his jabs for the sake of his liberty.
Serbian Social Distancing Champion, 2021.
How the hell else is he going to get 5G out there?
I liked that roadkill skunk he was wearing better when I thought it was his real hair. If he could make another one for his mask he’d really have a thing going on.
“HEMITS”? Am I missing a joke, or just a typo?
He’s probably thinking “One of you assholes who keeps coming up here to “report on the hermit” is going to spread COVID to me, I’d better get the vaccines.”.
Otherwise, he wins at social distancing!